Preface: Goodbye Mother

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What do you do if you are the first of something. Do you keep it to yourself or do you tell the world?

Liliafang is a werewolf but girls haven't been wolves for centuries, it is unheard of. Liliafang will be questioned about her skill in due time but will she be able to stay alive when the one who is supposed to love her doesn't? Find out her story.



"Mother please you can't leave" A child cried grabbing her mother's hand

"My child Liliafang I have to" A sick lady replied turning to the child who sat beside her hospital bed

"But what about me? You can't leave me, I love you" Liliafang whispered looking at her mother's gray eyes

"And I love you with all my heart Liliafang" The woman said her hand tightening on Liliafang's

"I don't want you to leave" Liliafang sobbed holding her mother's hand tightly, thinking that if she held on tight enough her mother wouldn't leave her.

"I know Darling" Her mother rasped sadly "But the doctors can't help me anymore. I can't live like this anymore"

"Why?" Liliafang said looking at her mother with teary eyes 

"Because I don't have anything to live for. Look at you already so grown up. You don't need me" She sighed her head feeling heavy 

"I do need you! Mother I will always need you!" Liliafang cried "I don't know what I would do without you"

"And when your father left I only had to hold on for you" Her mother started to cry not hearing the child's words "But I can't anymore Liliafang....." Her words drifted off as she stared into space.

"I understand" The child said quietly "Sleep mother and dream" Her mother's eyes started to close. It looked like she was drifting to sleep but Liliafang knew better. Her mother was falling into death never to wake. And with her final breath Liliafang's mother she whispered 

"I love you"


After her mother's death Liliafang would have to move in with her father who she hadn't seen in years. She didn't want to go with the man who broke her mother's heart nor did she want to join a pack. But she knew there is no choice. Not to mention that very soon something would happen that will change the way she thought forever.


Hi! I'm Lily and this is my first story on Wattpad. The story is only in third person for this chapter the rest is mainly from Liliafang's POV. I hope you enjoy it :)


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