Chapter 15: The Master Plan

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My head hang low as I called for Plasma but my attempts were fruitless.The pain has made Plasma hide within me unable to come out but with her absents my body will not heal. Grilden had cleaned up my wounds while adding more but my throat was far to horse to make a noise of protest. Alastor left after my name was uncovered and Grilden left swiftly after he had done cleaning me up. Now it is only Scar or should I say Alex and I were in the cells.

"Liliafang" I hear him say "That's your name?" I nod emotionlessly thinking about why Plasma would hide from me.

"Why don't you use it" He asks

"Why don't you use Alex" I counter emptily 

"I have my reason" He says 

"As do I" I reply crossly 

"Also what was with the screaming and bleeding and you know stuff?" Scar questions me

"I told you, Logan has completed the rejection" I say turning away from him 

"But what does that mean?" He says glaring at me

"It means he has marked Julia" I say glaring at the wall 

"That's it?" He asks

"Oh for fuck sake!" I yell turn back to him eyes blazing "I just told you do you ever listen!?"

"There is no reason to get so pissed. I thought we were friends!" He yells

"You are such a hypocrite Scar" I bellow "Wasn't just an hour ago you where saying you would never be my friend! You can't say that you said that just to put Alastor of the trail because I know that Alastor's power is to make people do as he tells them!" 

"Fang.." He murmurs 

"Don't" I interrupted him "Don't say you're sorry" I hang my head in defeat. Suddenly I left my head turning to the door. I can hear footsteps

"Alastor coming" I tell him quietly

"How do you know?" Scar asked 

"I can hear him" I reply not really thinking

"How?" He says 

"Because I am a werewolf like you" I say frustrated. At that moment he walks walks in with Grilden in tow

"Not braking anymore Liliafang?" He smirks

"Who knows Alastor" I say looking up at him "I've broken so many times who knows if I will ever stop" I laugh at the look on his face  

"Liliafang stop laughing!" Alastor yells. He get angry so easily.

"Why?" I asks surprising myself "Why should I do anything you say?"

"Because I am better then you" He bellows 

"And?" I look at him "I know many people who are better then me that doesn't mean I am going to listen to them or do what they say if it is unreasonable or if I disagree" 

"You need to learn you place!" Alastor says looking me in the eye "I am ruler here and you will listen to me!" 

"No I won't" I yell back "You see Alastor I belong nowhere and therefore I have no ruler. So it doesn't matter if you rule here or in Lupin Albus you still won't rule me!" I feel everyones eyes on me

"You think you belong nowhere!" Scar yells suddenly "My mate is dead and my pack destroyed you chose to leave yours!"

"And here I thought you understood Scar" I say "My mother died when I was only 11 bringing Plasma to me, My father pretends I don't exist not to mention he is part of the reason my mother died. I was bullied all though high school then when I was only 15 my mate rejected me for my stepsister! I have been living in pain since then and then today Logan, my mate completed the mating ceremony with someone else! I hate when people compete about who has it worst. We all have pain and sadness who cares if someone has more or less, it doesn't make it hurt any less."

"Fang..." Scar says "You shouldn't have lived though that, You should be dead" 

"I know" I whisper

"Enough of this!" Alastor yells "Scar what are the plans for Lupin Albus's next attack"

"To attack tomorrow" He whimpers

"Perfect" Alastor smirks "Grilden! Bring in the princess"

"Yes, Your Highness" Grilden says walking out of the room. When he came  he was holding a little girl 

"Princess Caroline!" I scream. The poor girl was covered in bruises and dirty. Her beautiful blond hair was tangled and messy and when she looked up at me her green eyes where filled with tears "What have you done to her" I start pulling at my chains trying to get to the young princess but all it did was cut into my skin

"Tomorrow this little girl will be our victory along with killing you two to in front of everyone" Alastor cackles "You see if the Lupin's don't surrender we'll kill their princess"

"You would kill a little girl?" Scar says in shock "Have you no soul"

"Necromancers of his kind give up their soul for more power" I snarl "His power is the power to make other do as he says" Alastor looks at me in shock

"How do you know that" He whispers his eyes showing fear. I know a lot. I am a bounty hunter for goddess sake, of course I know about Necromancers

"You want to know what I also know" I smirk evilly at him "Necromancers also use their own life span to rise the dead. So they are giving themselves to death in return for power" He slaps me. Hard but it doesn't stop me

"I also know that your powers don't work on me like they do on others, do you want to know why?" I look at Alastor his eyes filled with rage "Because I didn't exist when you made your deal with death. I wasn't real but I am now and do you want to know what I am Alastor? I am a Werewolf!"


"Oh its very possible and I promise you Alastor I am very much real now" I feel Plasma rising inside me

"I'll never leave you" I hear her whisper.

My wound start to heal. I know what I will have to do tomorrow to keep Alastor from power. I have made my own master plan.


Hope you liked Chapter 15 and as always please Vote, Comment, And All That Jass.

I am so sick right now and I have so much free time I think the next Chapter should be out soon. 

-Lily ;) 

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