Chapter 2

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I made my way down the street, keys and case in hand, wishing I rode my bike today. I honestly never understood what inspired creeps and questionable people to hang out in the alleyways that lead the quickest way home and I don't think I ever will. I sighed and spun my keys around my finger. The day was chilly but lovely nonetheless as I took in the cloudless sky and approached the familiar landmarks of the street that lead home. Suddenly, I was mowed to the ground.

My violin and keys went skidding across the pavement as did my dignity. The impact my elbow made with the sidewalk caused the sleeve of my hoodie to tear along with the skin. Way to go Sal, your grace and agility getting in your way as always. I thought as I scrambled for my things.

"Watch where you're going would you!" a harsh female voice scolded.

"S-Sorry!" I replied, stuffing my keys in my pocket and trying to stand. I looked up to see who I had run into.

She was incredibly thin, so thin I wondered how she hadn't fallen as hard as I did. Though the more I looked at her I don't think she had hardly stumbled. She wore black boots that gave her a bit of height that she didn't need, gray dual colored pants and a matching sleeveless shirt that was so pristine that the only crease that was in it was the one I just made with my face. She had an almost black scarf tied around her hip and her features were sharp and dramatic, smooth, pitch black hair that ended just below the nape of her neck framed the harsh curves of her face. Her eyes were a pale purple, like stained glass. Her lips were smeared with wine red lipstick and she had an eyebrow piercing that accompanied thick winged eyeliner.

She bent over to meet my eye level. "Do I know you from somewhere, pinprick?" She asked.

"Um...I don't think-" She cut me off.

"Sally??" She asked, her expression softening before she straightened.

"Yeah? How did you know?" I asked, standing. She was pacing and muttering to herself at this point.

"I should have known immediately! STUPID! How could I overlook that helpless look on her face? She even has that stupid Deer-In-The-Headlights glaze over her eyes!" She kept cursing to herself. I started hearing a weird hissing noise, almost like static, and I couldn't pop my ears.

The woman took a moment to stop and look in my direction. Her expression changed from horrified to annoyed in a split second. "Follow me and don't look behind you" she ordered, grabbing my wrist and pulling me down the street quickly.

"What? Why?" I asked, obviously looking behind me. Wowie do I wish I didn't. All I saw was a horde of grotesque creatures, made of what looked like tar, dragging themselves out of the shade the buildings provided and slipping down walls onto the streets. I think It's safe to say I screamed.

"DID I NOT JUST TELL YOU TO LOOK?!" The woman scolded.

"WHAT ARE THOSE THINGS?!" I cried, high-key having a panic attack. "WHO ARE YOU?"

"Ugh. Names are so idiotic. You go your entire life responding to a word one or two people said suited you before you could even open your eyes! You don't even question it!" She muttered.

"So...does that mean you don't have a name?" I questioned, struggling to keep up with the woman's long stride, though I succeeded with the nightmare fuel motivating me to keep my body as close to hers as possible.

"Of course, I have a name! Don't be stupid!" she snapped.

"Well...what is it?"


It was a short response. No emotion in her voice to show she was kidding. Was her name actually Thorn? How strange. Just as I was about to question her more, we were hurtling into my neighborhood. I looked back to see if the horde was still behind us. It was.

"Um- they're still behind us!" I warned.

"Obviously! They're chasing us! What else would they be doing?"


"Relax!" She hissed, throwing me through the doorway of a dimly lit house.

It took me a moment to straighten up before I noticed where we were. Home. I recognized the paint and pictures that adorned the walls. I remembered the worn couch that stretched across the near wall by the front door and the coffee table that was always cluttered with books and coffee stained pages of notes. Why were we home? How were we home?

"What's happening? Who are you? What are those things?! How do you know where I live?!" I spewed question after question, voice quaking with fear just as much as my hands.

Thorn was pressed against the door, her back planted firmly against the trembling wood. "Sally I need you to calm down."

"How do you know me?!" My voice was high and tears pricked my sinuses.

"I'll explain later! But I need your help first!" Her tone had changed. Instead of the sharp, hard comments that she had been spewing out, her voice was smooth and had a softer edge. She sounded genuine.

I stepped closer, swallowing my fear and steadying my voice. "What is it?"

She came over to me and placed her hands on my cheeks. I flinched but allowed her to do so.

"Okay, I need you to rest. Someone will ask you if you need assistance. You say yes."

...I'm going to die. This woman is going to murder me. She's going to stab me. Chop me into tiny pieces and throw me in the river. She kept talking as I was saying my final prayers and accepting my fate when I heard her say, "I'm sorry kid".

"Wait what?" I asked before she reared her head back and slammed her forehead into mine and everything went black.

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