Chapter 2

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It was me, Alana, Bethany, Alana's dad, and Alana's brother, Byron going out to the reef. It's one of the places we get our best waves from. Once we got to the area, we had to work ourselves through the twisting trees in our way. Finally when we saw the beach, us girls took off into the water. Bethany caught her first wave and I was the second and Alana was the third. We all decided to take a break and all laid around talking on our boards.

"So, what did you think of night surfing for your first time last night?" I asked Bethany.

"It was awesome! Hey sorry to change subjects here but are you guys going with the church group to help clean up from the flood?" Bethany asked.

"No, I was going to focus on surfing since we're sponsored now." Alana replied.

"Yeah, surfing is really bus..." I started.

"Ahhhhhhhhh! Dani! Dad!" I heard Alana scream. What just happened to me? I wasn't dreaming, was I? I mean, that wasn't a shark, was it? All I can see is Bethany, Alana, Alana's dad, and Byron paddling me back on my board back to shore.

"Dani stay with me! Don't you dare close those eyes!" Alana's dad kept telling me. Once we got on shore, I saw Alana puking on the sand and Alana's dad stoping the blood coming out of my used to be arm. I looked above me and I could hear Bethany silently praying for me, then I saw Byron running back to the truck.

"Girls, we have to carry her to the truck. We'll met the ambulance mid way." Alana's dad ordered. I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my shoulder when they lifted me off of the ground with my surf board. Just to think, five minutes ago, I was doing the usual, just surfing. My eyes started to feel heavier and heavier, but I refused to let them drop. The next thing I know is that Alana and Bethany are in the back of the truck with me, then the ambulance taking me away. Then I couldn't hold my eye lids anymore, and they dropped.

*Two Days Later*.

All I could see was blackness. My eyes were still too heavy to open, but each day I noticed they got lighter. I could hear too. I heard my parents crying, people talking about what happened, and some prayers.

Finally I decided that I would open my eyes, to stop all the crying. They didn't lose an arm, I did. They do not get to cry.

"She'a awake! Hey honey, how you doin?" My mom asked gently.

"How long have I been out?" I asked nervously.

"Three days, which is pretty good given the amount of blood you lost." The doctor came in and explained.

"It hurts," I complained, not looking at where my arm used to be.

"Well, there's going to be a lot if emotional and physical trauma to deal with, but you are in the best care here and with your parents." The doctor said.

*One Week Later*

Finally I get to go home! I hated staying in that hospital.

"Let's change the bandage before you leave," the doctor said while entering the room. He went over to me and started to peel away the goz on the numb of my arm.

"It's looking good! Healing very nicely." He exclaimed while putting in a new bandage. After he cleared me, we started to take all of my stuff that was brought to be over the past week into our car.

"In a couple if weeks, you need to come back so I can change the bandage or if we need to not put anymore on,' the doctor explained.

"Ok, thank you!" I said with a smile. My mom and I got into our car and started the drive home. They don't cry anymore because they don't suffer like I do.

"How are you doin?' My mom asked to break the silence.

"Good, excited to get back in the water." I exclaimed.

"Honey, you still have to wait a while to get the bandage off to get in water, so lets just take this slow, ok?" My mom tried to reason with me. She was right, I still had to wait to get the bandage off, but right after that, I'm going to get in the water right away.

When I arrived at my house, there was a bunch of news reporters and cameras waiting for me. My two brothers, Jack and Reid were running out of the front door, trying to get the news people away from our car, but with no avail. Suddenly my dad came out of the door and opened the drivers seat door and scooted over mom, driving the car through our fencing to the backyard.

"Wow, dad." I said amazed at his driving skills.

"I'm not too bad," he joked. My brothers came to us and helped me get my bags out of the car. When I went inside, I saw the Hamilton's and Blanchers were waiting for me.

Alana and Bethany came running to me, engulfing me in a huge hug.

"I've missed you guys!" I exclaimed.

"We missed you too Dani! I'm sorry we weren't at the hospital. I don't know if we could've handled it," Bethany explained. I wasn't mad at them for not visiting me, I mean, if this happened to anyone else, I would be too overwhelmed.

"Dani, I'm so sorry! You're going to surf again right?" Alana asked hopeful.

"Duh! This could've happened to anyone, so don't be sorry, be glad it didn't happen to you." I explained. Everyone seemed to go quiet when I said this. When I looked around, I saw that everyone had bags under their eyes, meaning they haven't been getting enough sleep lately, especially Noah's eyes.

"Haven't you guys been sleeping?" I said looking at Noah.

"How could we sleep when we didn't know if you were ok?" He replied back as a whisper.

"I'm fine guys! Look! I'm alive!" I shouted to everyone with a smile. Here I was, trying to lighten the mood, but no, they wanted to stay sad. I couldn't stand it anymore. I ran out. I wasn't really aware of what my surroundings were, but all I wanted to do was go to the beach. I realized I was at the beach by the warm sand between my toes. The waves were perfect here and I wanted nothing more than to go ride them, but because of this stupid arm, I cant! I couldn't handle being strong anymore, so I broke down, on the beach, alone, I thought.

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