Chapter one: The Land of Dreams

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"You heard me. You've been sitting in the same position for at least three hours."

"You gotta admit, that's pretty impressive."

"Oh my god, (y/n). Move. Please." You groaned loudly and tossed your laptop to the side, slowly sitting up and wincing as your shoulder popped.

"Ah, that felt good..." You sighed and glared up at your sister, watching you with a smile as you moved. She was a dancer, and absolutely the only one in your family obsessed with getting out of bed

"Yes! You're up! Wanna go on a run with me?" She asked happily, about to open her mouth when you placed your hand over it

"Haha, you're so funny. What a good joke, I applaud you haha I'm gonna go get some breakfast you joker" you stood up and walked into the kitchen, ignoring her whining protests as you poured a bowl of cereal.

"You're moving next week, we won't spend much time together until then!" She said, shaking your shoulder. You sighed and swallowed a mouthful of the cereal before answering

"Let's go see a movie and shop, okay?" She smiled brightly and nodded, leaving the room to get ready.

She was annoying sometimes, but you loved her. She was always so worried about spending time together, maybe because you didn't get along when you were kids and she wants to make up for it. You didn't mind either way.

"I'm ready to go whenever you are!" She yelled down the stairs.

--skip I'm a lazy asshole--
You wandered into another shop, groaning at the girly scent and clothes surrounding you.

"Awe, it's not so bad (y/n)! We have to get you cute clothes for moving!" She said happily, pulling you inside the store.

"Ugh, but this place smells like we're inside a flower. Literally." You complained as she dragged you along "Please make it quick Melanie." You sighed, sitting in a red flower couch as you watched her run around and pick out different clothes to try out.

To be honest, this place isn't your style. None of these places would ever be your style. You curled your legs to your chest and watched her run around happily. She was the better one out of the family, the girly sweet one. You were just the awkward one who wore band shirts and black, always stuttering and thinking up innuendos you could never use.

"What about this one?" She thrust a flowery pink shirt in your face, rubbing the fabric on your cheek "Cute right? Do you like it?"

You shook your head "Not my style....thanks though." You have her a half hearted smile and she pouted, pulling the shirt back and placing it on the rack, sitting down next to you

"I'm sorry. I'm thinking about myself again. We should go to some other store. With band shirts and black pants. That's what you like, right?" She asked hopefully, pushing her mop of brown hair behind her ear.

"You are the reason I hate shopping."

First person-
I had finally managed to get some shopping done in stores I want to shop in, thank god. I was sitting in one of my favorite stores, waiting for Melanie to finish paying for a beanie she had adored.

I was scrolling through mobile tumblr on my phone (so not as good as the real thing) when some random guy sat down and casually threw his arm around me

What the fuck? I leaned foreword to get rid of his arm, but it remained on my shoulder "Excuse me, can you not?" I asked harshly, pushing his arm off of me

"Don't be like that gorgeous. Are you here by yourself?" Disgusting pig. "No. Leave me alone, creep."

"Really? Well, how about we go somewhere together, ditch this place." Ugh, how annoying. Creeps Like this are pigs.

"No! Leave me alone." I hissed, breaking away and clenching my fists if he says one more thing. I punch him.

"Cmon babe, don't be that way." As he finished that up, my fist collided with his eye. He went down, and my self esteem went way up.

"Sorry, babe but I'm not interested." I hissed, stalking out of the store and waiting for Melanie outside. She rushed out, holding a small bag

"I'm sorry! I didn't even notice until you were leaving." She apologized profusely.

"You're fine, don't worry. Can we go home now? Tumblr needs me." She laughed and nodded "Yeah, of course."

A week later, I was standing outside of an airport gate, getting squeezed to death by three people. Three, sobbing, people.

"We'll Miss you so much..."


"Good luck baby..."

Ugh. You were twenty-two and yet your mother insisted on calling you "baby"

"It's the UK, not war guys. I'm fine." You reluctantly hugged them, patting each of their backs in turn before you heard the ding

"All boarding the 4:30 flight to the UK." You picked up your carry on and smiled at them all "Bye, guys. I love you."

You climbed onto the plane and settled down for a long flight. You had been waiting for this day for a long time. When you could finally leave this place and go where you had always really wanted to go.

The Land of Dreams.

This would be your new life, and you were going to enjoy every moment of it.

Sorry, no Dan. Definitely Dan in the next chapter. I know I'm bad at writing but bear with me. Thanks for reading

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Internet Persona- (a Danisnotonfire X Reader fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें