Chapter two: British Boys are that much Hotter

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"That's not very helpful, you know." I grumbled into the phone, shoving my makeup into a bag on the table and pushing it away from me as I argued (playfully) with my older sister

"But it's statistics! If you go to a coffee shop and pretend you don't have the money, some adorable British boy will buy you some coffee and fall in love with your spunky attitude!"

"You read way too much Shoujo Manga." I groaned, counting the notes in my hands how the fuck do these things work?!? It's so odd!

"But I hear it really happens!" She persisted, I could imagine her scrambling her argument on why I should leave my cozy flat that I bought and go out for coffee, hopefully meeting a dazzling boy with a 'posh' accent and having him carry me into the sunset or whatever.

The only problem was I wasn't leaving my flat. Ever.

"Yeah, okay. Does he have naturally straight perfect hair with 'fringe' and a love for pointing out white girl stereotypes?" (No offense I'm white :P I love everyone) I asked sarcastically, waving my hand around.


"Oh, my Prince Charming come to save me! Watch out for the evil 'pumpkin spice latte with foam' monsters, darling!" I said in my sappiest voice possible, unfortunately my voice cracked on foam and I broke into a coughing fit, hacking loudly

"Lay off the cigars, (y/n). And I'm going to force you to frickin leave your house. Go out for coffee!" She demanded, and a loud thunk sounded afterward. I imagine she slammed her hand on the table with her demand, like she was making the point.

"If I go will you hang up?" I asked, knowing I was defeated in this argument.

"Yes! But send me a picture so I know you went!" She said happily, slamming her hand on the table again, the triumph and happiness totally obvious in her voice.

"Okay, fine. I'll go soon. Bye, I love you." I sighed into the phone.

"Bye bye! Find a cute British boy! I demand it!" She giggled, hanging up before I changed my mind.

I groaned. And then I groaned again. And again.

I don't want to....but I promised...and some coffee sounds amazing right now...

I sighed, standing up and hobbling into my room. It was pretty bare, I had only just moved in and didn't have anything to adorn my place yet.

I'm sure I'd get somethings sooner or later...maybe after coffee I could go shopping? Get posters and....

Lamps? I've never decorated a house before, don't judge.

I slowly stood up and made my way to the bathroom, taking a quick shower and tweeting out how I was to find a price charming at a Starbucks who would save me from the clutches of the white girl drinks.

To be perfectly clear, I'm a bit popular on Twitter and stuff. Sure, I'm not any celebrity but I have a couple thousand followers and such. I got replies and I made sure to talk to a few of them before stuffing my phone in my oversized jacket pocket and leaving the house.

I ignored the soft buzzing of my phone in my pocket and I trudged through the cold weather to a Starbucks, grumbling about taxis and how I needed one.

--third person POV I write better that way--

The weather grew colder as a few brave souls fought their way through the chill, hands stuffed in pockets, heads low as they tried to reach their destination, hopefully something close by. One tender soul, at the tender age of 22 (I most likely said otherwise in the other chapter but I doNT REMEMBER DONT THROW THINGS AT ME) stumbling through the howling wind to a nearby coffee shop, hope flickering inside her happily, pushing her (h/c) hair that was whipping in her face away so she could see the glowing green sign of her destination.

"Finally..." She whispered, starting to run hastily to the shop, bursting into the door, everyone turning to stare at the panting, snow covered girl as she struggled against the wind to push the door closed, smiling awkwardly at the cashier as she took her place in the line.

She mumbled her order and took her drink, settling into the corner booth, shaking the snow from her hair and wrapping her hands around the cup, smiling down contentedly at her hands and taking a small sip, pulling away and coughing as quietly as she could after choking on the scalding hot drink.

"Are you okay?" A soft voice asked, a slightly louder one then the buzzing noise in the shop. She looked up, startled at the voice directed at her noticeable form, squirming already at the social contact.

"I'm...I'm fine, t-thank you." She mumbled awkwardly, looking to the side as she realized how cute the person above her was, along with his accent and the fact that she sounded so un-British. Compared to him at least.

He gave a lopsided smile and settled down in the booth across from her, his chocolate colored eyes scanning her features before his smile widened

"I'm Dan. I suppose you aren't from here?" He asked, his voice growing softer with nerves

"Y-yeah, I only moved here recently. I was forced to leave the house by my sister." She joked, pushing a lock of hair behind her ear and letting out a short laugh at her explanation

"Right, well I don't blame you for not wanting to leave in this weather. Did you walk here?" He asked, his eyes widening with shock when he nodded "That's very rude of her." He snorted, looking outside with a tiny smile on his face.

"She's in America, she probably has no idea how cold it is here. I agreed to it because she wouldn't let up." She mumbled, her cheeks growing even more red as she looked at him more.

Shit. He's super cute.

She giggled awkwardly at her inner thoughts, causing him to give her a weird look and standing up "I should get going. I hope to see you around-"

"(Y/n)." She cut him off, clapping a hand over her mouth and blushing at his amused face "I-I'm sorry. But that's my name...a-anyway, I'll see you around. Maybe. Uhm. Dan." She bumbled through her sentence, her cheeks seeming to be stained red as he laughed once and walked away, and she noticed a few notes left on the table by him, and she reached out

Is he trying to pay for my coffee?
Shit. She was right...but unlike American boys, British Boys are that much hotter.

Roll credits am I rite

lol no but I write better in third person so maybe I should do that all the time. Anyway, I'm tired so lol bye party people

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