Chapter 1

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"NO!" I woke up drenched in sweat. I've been having the same dream over and over again. It's just a bad dream. Nothing less nothing more. I reminded myself as I stood up and hopped in the shower and got dressed.

I walked out of my apartment and walked three doors down. I stood in front of Justin's door knocking and awaiting a response.

"Bieber, are you really gonna make us late on my last day dude?! Come on!"

He opened his apartment door with two coffee's in hand.

"Technically, it's just your last day. So this doesn't really affect me." He began to walk slower, "So I can take as long as I want on this regular Wednesday."

"You're such an ass." I jokingly said while pushing him to increase his pace.

"Yes but I can do that because I'm your best friend." He said with a smug face.

He's right, Justin and I have been best friends for as long as I could remember. My mom says that the day I was born was a week after Justin's family came to New York and his mother, Pattie, helped my mother  through the entire process. I was born in February and  a snow storm was currently going on.

Justin was with Pattie  because she couldn't find a babysitter at the time so when mom gave birth, him and pattie were the first people to see me. My mom says that it was almost like destiny.
"Haha, whatever. Come on I know you're not in high school anymore but I still have one last day and I will take joy in any moment that I have in saying bye to all the even bigger asses then you so COME ON, LETS GO DUDE!!"

We waited for the elevator to come and graciously drank our ice coffee and looked at each other with silly faces.

"So why are they forcing you to come to school if Graduation was on Monday?"

"Because my school is full of sadists." He chuckled, when he looked at how straight my face was after making that remark, he laughed even harder.

We made our way to NYU where Justin studied.

"Okay I'll see you at 4, okay?"

"Alrighty then." I looked at my clock and realized I only had 15 minutes to get to school so I decided to call a cab.

As I got in I looked at my phone Justin texted me a picture of his empty coffee cup with the caption
Why must coffee leave me so soon.
I laughed at what he sent. When I glanced up I saw the driver glaring at his phone. I panicked when I noticed the red light he just passed.

I could feel hundreds of shards of glass enter my skin as I pressed against them when my body flew across the back seat. It was like thousands of tiny fires igniting themselves into my skin.

My head bounced off every obstacle in its way. As the car flipped on its top my entire body made its way to the front seat forcing my head to hit the windshield. The last thing I saw was was the driver. His neck was completely bent, I couldn't tell if he was dead or alive. Finally I blacked out.


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