Chapter 2

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Justin P.O.V
As I walked into my class I waited for Chrissie to reply to my text. I saw that she read it but and she began to type but the three light dots disappeared.
I watched my phone for a while longer. I began to think that she must be taking the train to school so I thought nothing of it.

Mr. Schanz's voice floated around the room, as I dozed off. The hours passed bye faster and faster. As I was walking to my electric class I got a phone call.

The caller ID read "Mrs. Amber" I was very nervous considering that Chrissie hasn't responded to my text yet , and now her mother is calling me.

I cautiously swiped right to answer the phone call.
"Hey Mrs. Amber wha-"
My heart skipped 10 beats, as it dropped to my feet.
"Where is she?" I managed to spit out the words with a cracked voice.

"We're at the Cape Regional Medical Center," her voice lowered but it didn't calm."Justin hurry!"

I ran out of the building as soon as possible. With every step I took I was closer to her. I ran. I ran as fast as I could. When I reached the hospital, I didn't see anybody.
I walked up to the receptionist "What room is Chrysanthemum Amber in?" I asked her with the little patience I had left.
" Oh honey, she's in critical condition right now, you're going me to have to wait with her family on the second floor.

Critical condition.

My bestfriend was in critical condition.

Hold yourself together Justin. You're strong. Be strong for her.


Chrissie P.O.V

My body was numb and everything was dark. I tried to open up my eyes but it was like a pair of weights were holding my eyes down. I felt different. I heard footsteps walk in.

"She came in with a shard of glass puncturing her brain, fortunately we removed t but we don't know what if I think of taking on her. We'll just have to wait and see."

I heard foot steps come closer to me

"Babygirl, if you can hear me, please wake up, please." I heard my father cry to me as my mother prayed on my bed side. Although I couldn't hear or see her, I could feel her sadness.

"I'm here, Mrs. Amber I'm here, I-"
Justin's voice echoes across the four walls. I could feel his stare burn into my skin. I wanted to say something. I wanted to hug him. I wanted to tell him that I'm okay.

~Three days later~

The harder I tried the harder it became, it was like something was pulling at my eye lids to stay closed, but finally I was able to open my them. The bright white light temporarily blinded me. I slowly lifted my arm careful not to accidentally remove the IV needles that were in my body.

"Justin, mom, dad?" Nobody was there. For the first time in three days I was alone. I thought to myself. I felt different. I couldn't put my finger on it, but it didn't sit right. I didn't feel myself. Something was wrong. So wrong.

A/N~ next chapter next week!!!!! Vote and comment please!!!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2015 ⏰

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