Yellow Raincoat

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This is a bad way to start anything but I guess I have to be honest... I don't do anything anymore. I mean that's a heavy statement to make but it's pretty true. Not that this is a recent thing, it's just gotten worse. I recently finished college and like most grads I can't find a job. You know how it goes, can't get experience without getting a job and can't get a job because you don't have experience. It's a shitty cycle, and it starts to get to you. You can only keep yourself motivated for so long before that drive just disappears.

As I was saying, it got worse recently, most of my friends have all found employment or moved away. It's wasn't their fault my social life took a nose dive, I just kind of stopped trying. It was like I was too nervous to even ask people to hang out. I had this unshakeable fear that somehow during the process of talking to them, they'd realize what a shitty person I'd become. And that they had absolutely no reason to associate with me anymore. Even when I got the courage to ask someone out I never actually wanted to go anywhere. I didn't have the energy to do anything. The times I did somehow manage to leave my house I just became absolutely drained emotionally the whole time. So I just stopped leaving my parents' home. Sometimes I didn't even turn on the lights in my room. Just sat in the dark checking the internet waiting for the day to end so I could sleep again.

I've always been a dreamer, maybe it's from having a creative mind or something. Sleeping was my way of getting out, it was the only part of the day where it didn't feel like I was a complete failure. I had no responsibilities, I could just close my eyes, rest and not give a single shit about anything going on. It was a natural progression that over time I starting sleeping more and more. The dreams I had while unconscious were interesting, and no matter what I did I couldn't achieve a single thing in the waking world ... It got so bad, I couldn't even be awake for longer than four hours at a time.

When you're sleeping that much it becomes harder, and harder to keep track of what was a dream and what actually happened. This consistent nap stuff went on for almost two months without interruption. Well aside from various shouting matching with family members over how I'd become a burden... I knew I should have spent more time looking for a job, but it was like every time I would go to try my mind would lock up and I'd just get too exhausted to do anything... Maybe part of me had just accepted it was pointless to even try anymore. I suppose it was a matter of time before the stress of being alive got to me as I slept.
Everything was so crystal clear, the images my mind played out were almost a perfect representations of the real world. I could feel the texture of objects, touch anything and my brain would process it with such unbelievable clarity. Every dream started to feel linked together somehow, as if I was watching one story play out...

There were always gigantic buildings, like skyscrapers that twisted and turned in impossible ways. Sometimes they'd coil around each other, and it almost seemed like they were forming spider webs. Just looking at them gave you this dreadful feeling that they were going to collapse at any second. Around the inconceivable formations you could always hear metal being grinded, stretched and pounded on. The buildings themselves always seemed to be completely impossible to enter... It was as I looked at the buildings that I noticed the reflection in the glass. There a figure dressed in yellow jacket behind me... I could never seem to find it when I looked for the source. Even in the reflection all it did was stand there, and watch me from a distance... I wasn't sure if it was even capable of moving... It just seemed to be completely bound to the reflection of the glass...

When I was able to pull my eyes away from the glass I found something else out about the world I visited at night. The dreams always had other people in it. I'd remember talking to them but at no point would I ever call them anything, it was almost like they didn't have names. I don't even remember knowing anyone who looked like the men, and women that populated the world my mind had constructed. I'd spend most of these dreams doing normal things, eating, ranting, and gambling on occasion. My dream friends seemed... real in their own ways. They each had their own way of reacting to things. They'd talk about family members I'd never meet, or just go on about their hobbies. It was the closest thing I'd had to real conversation in weeks, it just happened to be in my own little dream world... It was just like the time I still had friends, back when I made the effort to leave my house... Well except for one strange moment that occurred in every dream. Without fail as I was sleeping one of the people would always ask "Is it watching you?" in this sort of panicked way.
Once while I was in a dream about drunken game of tag. It happened in-between rounds, when everyone had stopped to grab a new drink. One of the people involved just grabbed me and dug his fingernails into my shoulders and just shouted the question at me. Even in a dream the list possible responses to that aren't much more than a stupid unfitting 'What?!'. After that the guy just looked at me just as confused as I was... for a single second it was as if something was watching me. Slightly out of sight but my eyes still picked up that yellow colour...

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