Chapter 7

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*Seike's POV*

This Light guy has been here for a few days now and it looks like Memoree and him have gotten along pretty well, and Grace hasn't been as angry and hostile towards her. Though when she's anywhere around me, Grace still watches her like a hawk. I don't really mind, most people would probably get annoyed with her behavior, she knows it too so it worries her often, afraid I'll get tired of it. Though the only one's who know of this fear is Hailey and myself. I have to constantly reassure her I don't mind, in fact I actually enjoy it. Considering her personality, it just means she cares and it's rather attractive in a way.

With Light's sudden appearance and him distracting Memoree she hasn't had as much time to mess with Hailey and Austin. Of course it won't last for long, at least not unless Memoree finds someone else to obsess over....oh well, all we can really do right now is sit back and keep watch to see how things turn out. Though for the sake of Memoree's health and Hailey and Grace's sanity, I hope it turns out well.

*Hailey's POV*

As I sat in the corner of my room I began to look back on the things that Memoree has caused, and what she almost caused me to become. She had been here for only a short amount of time before she figured out everyone's weaknesses and she definitely used mine against me, Austin tried so hard to keep me away from my past but sometimes even he wasn't enough to keep me out of that dark dreadful place. As my mind brought up all of my past problems, I suddenly remembered what seemed to be the beginning of it all, I remembered it was when Grace and I was in first grade.


Grace and I was sitting outside on the playground swingings. We had only been there for a couple of minutes until we heard shouting.

"Hey, weirdos!", we looked up to see who was talking and noticed it was three of our male classmates, they were standing in front of the swings looking right at us and they didn't look too nice. Out of the corner of my eyes I noticed Grace tense up and her eyes narrow in a slight glare.

"Yes, what?", I asked

"Move, we want to swing", the one in the middle, who seemed to be the leader, said in an arrogant voice, with his hands crossed and nose in the air with a cocky look on his face, expecting us to listen immediately. I saw Grace's eyes narrow even more and heard a low growl, but she stayed put. The great thing about us is we'll sit back and let the other handle their problems, but we will step in when we see that the other truly needs our help.

When I continued to ignore them they got mad. I was so lost in thought that I didn't notice them come up behind me, until I felt myself falling forward, It didn't register to me what was happening until I hit the ground, they had pushed me! It happened so suddenly that even Grace sat shocked for a second. She was already mad at them, but that seemed to be the last straw. She jumped out of her swing, and the next thing we know the bully was laying on the ground beside me with a bloody nose.

"GRACE SYKES!", we heard someone yell. We looked up and saw the teacher coming towards us with an angry scowl on her face. The only thought to cross my mind was, 'well, crap!'

*Flashback end*

*Grace's POV*

I walked into mine and Hailey's room and noticed her sitting there with glazed eyes, I walked over to her and nudged her shoulder to get her attention. As I jolted her out of her thought, I asked her what she was thinking about.

"Oh, nothing, just the past. I was remembering that time in first grade. It just seems that was when all our problems started.", she said, giving me a soft reassuring smile.

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