Murder 1

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October 1st, 20XX

Phoenix, a 27 year old detective with fire red hair and emerald green eyes entered the crime scene. As she opened the door to a house with white paneling, which looked very innocent and friendly, on Green St., Marshall, Michigan, her eyes widened in shock. A woman, who looked to be around her mid 20s, with light brunette hair and a baby blue dress, was sitting on a white chair, with what looked liked ten thousand needles stuck in her. A large pool of blood collected on the wooden floor around her. The needles weren't the only unusual thing, her fingers were twisted in the opposite direction, and a note that was nailed into her forehead . It said, 'The month of horror has come, so I shall give a nightmare to all the people until the month has ended or you have captured me. I am the murderer of Midnight, my next victim will be a girl of joy.'

Phoenix cringed at the note, she then turned around and walked outside and waited for the police to arrive along with some other agents.

The police had arrived and Phoenix walked to Officer Leo, the head sheriff, and explained the situation.

"Is Ms. NightShade here?" Leo questioned and Phoenix nodded.

"She's the lady right there," Pheonix pointed to a lady with wavy black hair and had a scarlet dress on.

"Alright," Leo huffed and walked to Ms. NightShade, with Phoenix following him. The black haired lady turned her head towards the detective and officer as she heard then walk towards her.

"You're Ms.NightShade, correct?" Leo questioned, his oak brown eyes set into a stern look.

"Yes, I am," Ms. NightShade comfirmed with sadness and horror in her voice.

"What is your connection to the victim, Ms. Sky, Ms.NightShade?"

"She's a very close friend and roommate," Ms. NightShade replied, her brown eyes filled with sorrow when Phoenix glanced at her.

"Where were you around the time of the murder, which was 12:00 am, correct, Phoenix?"

"Yes, according to the coroner," Phoenix replied.

"I was with my Fiance, Jake Forest, I arrived here at around 9 am to grab some things before I went to work," Ms. NightShade answered," and when I arrived, I saw Linna sitting on the chair with the needles and everything." Phoenix felt a pang in her heart as she saw Ms. NightShade close to tears.

"I see, well, if you don't mind, we'll question you further at a different location, would you mind?"

"Alright," Ms.NightShade replied and Leo signaled two officers to come over. The two officers led Ms.NightShade towards a police car and the three of them entered and drove away. One of the investigators of the scene walked towards us, with the plastic bag of needles that were in the victim.

"The needles had potassium cyanide on them, and it seems that the nail in the forehead was the last blow." The investigator announced, holding a smaller plastic bag, which had the bloodied nail.   

"So, you're saying ,Ms.Sky,  the victim was poisoned, stabbed, and had her fingers twisted before the criminal killed her with a nail in the head?" Leo questioned, looking at the investigator.

"Most likely," the investigator confirmed. Phoenix frowned. She was beyond mad. If this Murderer of Midnight had really tortured the Linna Sky before they killed them and they caused Linna's friends and family to fall into despair, this murderer must be revealed or more people will feel despair. This was unacceptable. Whoever this murderer was, they were emotionless.

The investigation went on, but there was no clue about the murderer. Expect the note that they had stuck on her forehead. Due to that note, they have chosen to call her "Midnight Murderer". 

Phoenix sighed as she returned to her department at Police Station of Marshall. She walked up to a dark oak door and knocked.

"Come in," a voice said and Phoenix opened the door.

"You called for me?" Phoenix questioned after she closed the door and walked up to her boss' desk, Mr. Green.

"Yes. You have been at the scene of the crime today and I've decided to give you a task that involves this crime and criminal," Mr. Green spoke.

"Alright, what would you like me to do?" Phoenix stood straight and looked right into her boss' eyes, which were filled with seriousness.

"I want you to figure out who this 'Midnight Murderer' is, will you accept this task?"

"Of course, Sir," Phoenix replied with pleasure, "I would love to. This heartless killer must be stopped."

"Indeed, you're dismissed," Mr. Green dismissed and Phoenix bowed before she left and room and walked to her work space, where she began writing her report about the crime scene she was in this afternoon. 'I must defeat this criminal before more people die, I must.'  Phoenix thought with pure fiery. But one thing the people of justice didn't know was that the Midnight Murderer was already on their next move. They don't know, the Murderer had everything planned, with no mistakes. Not one.

Author's Note: I hoped you enjoyed Chapter 1! Please comment and vote! See you next chapter!

Word Count: 862

P.S. The edited version of this chapter is up!  Thanks for reading once again, ciao!!

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