Guardian angel

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Lexi's POV

I am zoning Sam and dean out right now I have no idea why I just wanna think.

A few months went by and we all just started to hunt again normally Me,Sam,and Dean.And it looks like dean has became friends with that Hot attractive blue eyed messy black haired trench coated man or should I say angel named Castiel we call him Cas for short even though I love saying Castiel. Wait do I have feelings for him I can't he's an angel and I like Dean because he's exactly my type and stuff he's soo cute with those green eyes and dirty blond hair I wish I could be with him but What if he doesn't like me???

"Lexi are you even listening?"Dean asked looking annoyed as hell."Maybe you shouldn't go on this hunt because it is way too dangerous.

"Yeah Dean's right this hunt is dangerous and Cas will protect you consider him as your guardian angel for a day'' Sam said as he smiled.

"I'm pretty sure Cas has something to do like angel stuff so he cant stay here with me which means I get to go on the hunt". I stared at dean then looked at Cas.

"Cas are you free today as in have nothing to do today so you can watch lexi"? Dean says trying to get Cas to understand.

"uh sure but why does she need to be watched."Cas asked confused

"EXACTLY" Lexi shouted 

"Because you almost died on our last hunt so you will stay here with Cas end of discussion" Dean yelled

"See ya lexi gonna miss you"Sam says bear hugging me

"Sam I c-cant breath"I say gasping for air as he put me down

"Cas protect her with your life"Dean says walking out the door

"I will dean".Cas says waving good bye a minute later Cas still has his hand up

"Cas you can put your hand down now they left all ready"I say laughing at Cas for being confused all the time

"Oh..."He says looking down

 I go use the bathroom and when i'm done I go into the kitchen then I see Cas is gone its weird because he never leaves when dean tells him to stay here."Cas?Castiel?"The lights are off "Castiel where are you aren't you suppose to be watching me"I say scared as fuck

"Lexi"Castiel says I jumped almost having a heart attack

"Cas what the fuck man you scared the shit outta me'' I said still stuttering and breathing quickly

"Sorry I thought it would be funny"He says looking down

"Its ok your new at the whole human thing."I say

"C'mon wanna watch a movie or something"I say thinking about Netflix and Chill with him but I know it will never happen unless...Sam and dean are gonna be gone for a couple of days."This is a crazy idea so please Cas don't judge me LETS GET DRUNK"I yelled throwing my hands up in the air.

"How about a no because dean trusted me to watch over you and protect you so I will do so,but we can watch a movie"he says in a monotonously way .

I bite my lip "Nah I think my idea was way better but sure we can watch a movie if that's what you wanna do."I say laughing.So we decided to watch the longest movie ever which was titanic.I admit it I was tired but I wouldn't tell Cas though because obviously I wanted to fall asleep on his shoulder because who wouldn't. I start drifting into the darkness and next thing I know I am being tortured by Alastair.

"You are still in hell deary"He says with a evil smile (Yes she went to hell)

"No this cant be true"I say almost letting out waves of tears but its to late. Alastair cuts me again and again "Please stop please....Someone help me!!!!"I yell. Then I wake up with Castiel In front of me 

"Lexi!Lexi!! are you ok"Castiel says shaking me

"what happened'' I ask Cas "No your not real I'm still in hell aren't I?"I ask tearing up

"No lexi your on earth"Cas says tilting his head 

"No this is hell oh my gosh I'm still here I will never get out"I say crying because I will never get out of hell

"Lexi what was your dream about?" Cas says in a eager way

"A-Alastair was torturing me" Just then I remember he cut me so if those cuts aren't there that means that it was just a dream a really terrible one indeed 

"See I told you it was just a dream"he says 

Then I wasn't thinking and so I hugged Cas it took like 10 seconds for him to hug back. A couple of hours later the boys were back early I guess it was an easy hunt after all I tell dean about what happened.

"Wait lexi when did you go to hell"Dean asks with mixed emotions I could tell he was angry and sad and worried because I bet he still has those nightmares too.

"I went to hell when I was trying to find a way to get you out I made a deal apparently it went side ways and I did it because believe it or not me and Sam weren't doing to good...I was literally depressed because you went to hell Dean...everyone was torn up about it". I said trying to explain my self  to them 

"So then how did you get out"Dean says with an sarcastic chuckle 

"Crowley....he found out that my deal went sideways and that I wasn't suppose to be there and put me back on earth."I said while reaching for a bottle of water. After we got done talking we all went to bed Cas didn't because supposedly angels don't sleep. 


In the morning we ate then we packed our bags to go on a hunt Cas said he wanted to be a hunter to help people. And so now we are all checking out this case.A man's heart literary jumped out of his chest We went to go check out the body. We have no idea of what kind of supernatural being that could've did this except of a witch. Cas was smelling the body 

"He has a mild balder infection and that's about all"He says standing up straight

"Did you know he was having an affair"Sam said Cas was looking salty I kinda felt bad for him because he looked so sad.

"That makes sense...Husband having an affair wife finds out kills husband "Dean says like he sollved an equation

"Alright then lets go check out the wife".I say making my way to the door.We are here this house is well furnished no signs of witchcraft 

"I think I can handle this with all of the research I've done"Cas says sliding past me and Dean.

"Now Mrs.Freleng we don't want to be a bother but I just have one question"Cas says calmly "WHY DID YOU KILL YOUR HUSBAND"Cas yells 

Dean pulls Cas to the side Sam sits down and says "Sorry about that my partner is going threw some ...stuff"."yea some really bad stuff"I say commenting.Meanwhile over by Dean and Cas

"I was being bad cop"Cas says trying to explain his self

"Your were being bad everything"Dean says replying back.

After we were done with that hunt it turns out that it was an old friend of john's with an very active mind.


Heyyyyyyyyy guys I hoped you like this part and I hope it wasn't to long.As you can see I put my fav Cas moment I had fun writing that because it is really funny to me.But yeah if you would like to be in this story letme know ok Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee... ~Author~

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