Totally Falling for Him

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~A/N~ Heyyyyy Guys I really dont know what to write about like I do but I dont know how to start it out.Please dont hate me.Bruhhhh Im in s.s. rn and Im just looking at this hot boy (not my crush btw)I've been  outta School now it is now 6:12 pm Wednesday Obvi Im waiting on supernatural S11 E2.Heyyy I just got back from out side and I will write this story after Supernatural.7:14pm :) (Sorry about that)^^^^^ Ok so yes I'm am not following the along with the Seasons because I dont want to hope you like it :) It actually took me a couple of days to write this I need more Ideas.

~Lexi's POV~

Sam and Dean are arguing about something stupid I didn't want to get in that mess because they use me as a tie breaker all the time.So I'm sneaking out of the bunker its not like something bad is going to happen because I do keep my knife with me at all time so yeah except of now Damn I feel so stupid now.Well the gas station is right there I could run in and get some snacks and run home before anything bad happens.As I am walking into the store Its like 3 costumers here so I go straight to fridge to get a six-pack for the boys.

As I'm walking home I can hear foot steps behind me.I turn around to see who's behind me and obviously no one so I turn around and started to walk fast and I hear footsteps again I look back no one is there.I turn around then I feel a sharp pinch in my neck I punch the guy in front of me but I'm too weak for it to affect him as my eyes are getting heavier I call upon castiel just before my eyes shut I see this bright light then I see Cas standing over me then its black.

~Deans POV~(Like 10 mins before lexi got attacked) 

After me and Sam got done arguing I was looking for lexi so we can drink beer and watch looney tunes together. She's not in her room or in the living room watching Netflix. I'm getting worried because she's not in the bunker at all.I walk down to Sam's room I stand in the doorway"Sam wheres lexi."I ask

"I don't know Dean why?"Sam replies

"She's not in her room or watching Netflix"I say"Do you think she snuck out while you were in a bitchy mood."I say tilting my head 

"Really Dean I'm not even going to go there right now"he said with an sarcastic chuckle   

"Hey well you see if Cas knows anything and I will double check In the bunker and outside the bunker"I say turning to walk down the hallway I double check her room,the kitchen,the living room and the library she's not there I checked outside not there either,I go back into the bunker.

I am getting really worried because what if she's hurt or in trouble or what if she's....... by then I start to feel water filling up in my eyes I hear wings fluttering I turn around to see Cas holding lexi bridal style then he puts her down on the couch I run over to lexi to hold her hand. 

"Cas what happened?"Sam says with that serious look on his face 

"A demon was trying to use her to get the demon tablet "Cas says      

"Is she going to be okay?"I ask in worry      

"Yes she will the demon dosed her with Anesthetic so she will be asleep for 2-4 hours."Cas said monotonously  

Silence filled the room.About an hour and 30 mins later I could see Sam uncomfortable in the chair "Sammy I'l wait for her you can go get some comfortable sleep."I say 

"Alight let me know when she wakes."he says walking to his room 

"I'm telling you just give me some clippers and you will look alot better."I say trying to lighten up the mood 

"Not gonna happen Dean." he says with a light chuckle 

I suddenly start to feel my eyes getting heavier just when they were about close I hear a familiar voice.

"Dean?"lexi said weakly confused 

My eyes shot opened as I hugged her tightly"don't ever sneak out again."

"I'm so sorry Dean you guys were arguing so I went to restock on beer and-"she says as I can see the tears escaping from her eyes

"Its ok the only thing that really matters is that you aren't hurt."I say wiping the tears from her cheek

~A/N~ I'm sorry guys for this really short chapter BTW this is rly hard to write so I might update once a week.I might do a  imagines and preferences idk.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2016 ⏰

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