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I've been here for over a day

And I am freaking out it's dark now and I am trying to make a fire

But I never learned how to make one but I do know what they do in movies which looks pretty simple

But hell to the no it isn't!!

I heard something in the bushes

" who's there?" I said

That would be stupid of me if it was an animal

" Kendra?Kendra!!!!" I shouted and hugged her

" where the hell were you? We've been looking for you like everywhere!"

" I got lost" I said simply not wanting to talk about it

" weren't you hanging out with Justin?" she asked with a confusing face

" I actually wasn't, anyway let's head back! "I said

I'm trying to change the subject I really don't wanna talk about it

A week later

I was now at school taking out my physics text books...and locked my locker

" I'll see you later " I said to Brigette

I went to my class

For a whole week I was ignoring Justin

I really didn't wanna deal with the situation

But today was not one of those days

I sat to my sit waiting for Mrs shelly to walk in with her usual speech

But as I flipped through my books,  someone sat next to me

I averted my eyes to that someone

No!!oh no!!!
I quickly turned the other way with my hand blocking my face

" are you ignoring me?" he said

" what?  Why would you say that?" I said with a fake smile

" you haven't called, texted,  talked, looked at me for 7 straight days" he said

" really I didn't notice " I said sarcastically

" okay look. If you don't love me anymore,  you could have just broken up and get it done with!" he said

And that's when I lost it

" ya could say the same thing to you Justin!!" I shouted

Which made everybody stare at us

" what are you talking about?" he said

I laughed sarcastically

" what am I talking about? You know you and Madison,  make out session in the water,  Thats what you call Loving somebody Justin...please don't give me those crappie stories " I said a little to loud and that's when everyone encircled us

" wtf!!!!  I have no idea what your talking about?" he said

" you don't?  Really Justin???  Your playing the 'deny deny deny' game now, f*** sake Justin grow up!!" I shouted

Everybody did there comments about my harsh remark

"you go girl!"

" ooh!!!"

" tell it to him!"

"you just got owned by a girl "

" I don't know what the hell is going on !! So just tell me already!!!?" justin said

Highschool ( senior year )Where stories live. Discover now