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After all of us got home, Ms Cocina scolded Nick and I for attending a party. I told her I was kidnapped but she didn't buy it.

I was walking upstairs holding Nick by the shoulder. He was so drunk, he could barely function. I put Nick on his bed and wash his filthy face with a clean wet rag.

He grabbed my arm. His palm was sticky , disgusting.

"V.. Smile more."

I rolled my eyes and continued to take care of him.

"You know Violet, you're actually a nice person beside that cold heart of yours." Nick said as he fell asleep.

I went to my room and tried to sleep. But I couldn't, so I re-read one of my mom's novel. It was called 'Happiness and Love.' Again, the book reminded of myself. Maybe mom wrote it when she was still having me.


Nick had been partying with Ian and Jade for weeks. I was at my room with Pearl, recalling my argument with Nick days ago. He was coming back from his party and I grabbed him by the arm.

"Nick, you have to stop partying. Please."

"No. It's fun."

"You're underage. One day you'll get arrested."

"Like I care."

"Nick, please."

"Why do you care?"

"I'm your friend, of course I care."

"Tch, yeah right."

"What was that supposed to mean?" I know he didn't meant it because he was so drunk that night.

"Violet. You're pathetic."

God, I hated that night. Nick eventually apologized that morning and of course, I forgave him. It wasn't a big deal because it was true. I was pathetic. So pathetic.

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