Nick you blind bat

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I'm not sure how to describe me. I'm normal I guess I've been told I have blonde hair and brown eyes. However this could be wrong seeing as I can not see.  I assume my hair is at my neck because if I slightly tilt my head I can feel a tickling sensation at my shoulders. Also I can tell you I'm pale why because I don't go outside. I can play the electric guitar even though I can't see. I'm not the best. The people I. Charge of my schools music department claim that due to other reasons (not specified) I can not participate as a musical performer. I think it's just because I'm blind because they can't give me a reason however if that's the case they are not abiding the law. The laws state that just because I'm disabled I can not be withheld from any activity unless it may put me in harms way. Playing an instrument I already play won't put me in harms way. Anyway yeah I play guitar I am blind and I sorta know what I look like. That's about all I know.

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