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I fixed my hair, gently putting a Sleeping with Sirens bow in it. I smiled softly, proud of my hair and makeup. Turning towards my full length mirror, I examined myself. Satisfied with my appearance, I stepped out of the bathroom and into the living room. I coughed, interrupting the conversation between my brother and Johnnie. Johnnie looked up and his eyes widened. "Y-You look great..." He said. Bryan elbowed his side. "Use a condom you two!"

"Bryan!" I smacked him. He chuckled softly and shook his head. "Have fun little sis." He smiled. I shook my head softly. "You're a dork." I smiled. Johnnie grabbed my hand gently and started towards the door. I followed him as he left the house and walked down the street.

"So where are we going?" I asked, looking at him. He chuckled softly and shook his head. "It's a surprise." I sighed softly, looking at my surroundings. It was Autumn, so the leaves were a mix of colors such as brown, orange, and yellow. A content smile crossed my face. "(Y/n)?" Johnnie said, turning me to face him. I had been so lost in thought that I didn't realize that we were in an opening. 

Colorful trees surrounded us, painted in the most beautiful oranges and yellows. Leaves floated down gracefully from their branches, gently landing on the ground. I took in the gorgeous scene in front of me in awe. 

"Do you like it?" He asked, hope in his eyes. I turned to face him, my eyes filled with wonder. "I love it. How did you ever find this place?" He slowly sat on the ground, laying back on the bed of leaves. 

"I found this place after my dad died. Every time I would get sad, I would come here. It didn't stop me from doing terrible things to myself though. I just felt like I could feel him here. Like he wasn't really gone." Small tears rolled down his cheek and I could hear his voice crack. I knelt down, pulled him into a sitting position, and pulled him into a hug. He immediately hugged back, burying his face into my neck. He shook a bit as he cried softly. After about 10 minutes, he looked at me and wiped his eyes.

"I'm sorry, I got your shit wet...." I chuckled and kissed him softly. He tensed up at first, but quickly returned the kiss. "My shirt it the least of my worries." He smiled softly and pulled me so that I was straddling his lap. He pulled me close and kissed me passionately. 

"(Y/n). You're my forever........"

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