29 The Matras.

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Rose POV.

I made my way too the pack house too see if I could find Jill and see how she's doing.

I was not surprised when I found her curled up with Eddie on the couch in the pack houses living room.

"Hey you two." I chimed walking into the room. Jill jumped up and engulfed me in a hug. "Rose. You never guess what happened." She squealed excitingly. I glanced at Eddie and he gave me a small nod as he mouth. 'I tolled her.'

I desided too play dumb and shook my head placing a confused frown on my face. "No what happened. Are you okey?" I asked facing cosern when i knew she was absolutely fine. She pulled apart from me and started too jump. "My wolf talked too me and the first thing she said was mate." She all but screamed in joy. "Oh my goddess.  That's great. Who is it?" I emulated her joy.

"Guess. Guess, you have too guess!" She chanted folding her hands. I looked up tapping my chin. "Hmmm let me think? Could it be that cute black haired boy from your training class, you tolled me about?" I asked.

Eddie growled lightly at the mention off another. I couldn't contain my giggle. Jill eyes widened in shock. "No. No. No absolutely not. It's Eddie!" She screamed horrified. A laugh bubbled up in my throat and couldn't contain it. Jill looked at me questionable then joined into the laughed as she slapped my chest.

"That's mean. You knew." She gasped between giggles. I shrugged plopped on a chair and she cuddled up too Eddie.

They tolled me about how it happened making googly eyes at each other. It was really sweet. Eddie didn't leave her side while she got better and when he took her home after being at the clinic she tripped and Eddie caught her. That's when she heard her wolf and got the tingly feeling one gets.

They also tolled me Tasha was still at the clinic healing. Apparently I beat her up pretty bad. I felt a little guilty it got so out off hand. I think I need too control my wolf more. But on the plus side Jill tolled me most off the females are afraid too even look at Dimitri now.

After talking with them i whent too the kitchen for some lunch. One off the maids was fixing up a tray for Dimitri too take too his office.  I tolled them i would take it too him.

I needed too apologise too him for yesterday.  I walked through the halls toward the office.  I knocked at the door and heard that sweet accented voice i loved so much. I opened the door seeing him behind the desk working on some emails. "Just put it somewhere." He said coldly not looking up from his computer.

I closed the door and moved too his desk. "Yes. Alpha." I said placing the tray on the desk. He tensed for e second before lookin up at me. His eyes softened when he realised it was me.

"I thought you were the maid." He said in disbelieve shaking his head. He looked so tens. He's only been working one morning but he already looks tired. Maybe because he slept on the couch, i realised.

I walked around the desk as his eyes followed my every movement.  I pulled his hands from the keyboard as i straddled his lap placing them on my waist. "You look so tiered." I said as i let my hands glide along his muscular arms until i reached his shoulders.  I started massaging them. His hold on my waist tightened and he let out a relieved groan.

"I didn't get much sleep." He whispered closing his eyes leaning back in his chair as he relaxed in my hold. "I'm sorry about last night. I shouldn't off..." i said but he cutt me off. "No your were right. It was my fault." He said lifting his head meeting my eyes. "It was wrong for me too be with those women. I should have waited for my mate. But as time whent on i thought I wouldn't find my mate. It's no excuse, i know...." He said but i cutt him off placing my lips against his. His lips sofly molded with mine, I bit his lip gently asking for entrance which he eagerly gave. His tongue dances with mine.

ON HOLD I'm just human. I can't be the Alphas mate.Where stories live. Discover now