A spirit? (Part 1)

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I woke up to the sound of lovly chipping birds. I shut my eyes back close after it got hit by the bright sunlight. "Last night.. Was it a dream?" I looked around. Everything seemed normal. I walked outside of the house to see if there is any changes, as I remembered all the loud noises came from the outside. 

There's nothing weird. Everything is neat, and normal. My car isn't broken too. "So I guess it was just a dream huh?" I said to myself. I'm really glad that it wasn't real. If it was, I'd really run back home now. 

"Oh, my phone!" I said, running back inside to search for it. I really hope it's not lost again this time. I went to check at the place where I fell asleep. "There it is" I whispered. I picked up the phone and clicking the home button. My phone was left with 4 missed calls and 1 message. All the 4 missed calls are from mom, and the message is from dad. it says 'honey, daddy and your mom will be in Paris for the nest couples of months,for a work meeting. So you probably coudn't reach us here. If you have anything to say, or there are any problems, email me. Bye, love you x'  

My parents are always like this. They hated anwering phone calls when on a work trip. I really don't bother actually. 

"So, now I really need to clean this thing up" I said looking around the house. I sighed, brushing my teeth and washing my face. "Let's get started then" I said to myself.

First I went and clean up the living room, I dust away the dusts on the sofa, cleaning the floor, and placing everything in place, neatly. Then I went over to the dining room, which is really big, it could fit  more than 50 people in here! It was dark red, and the dining table was a long dark wooden table, with matching chairs. Ant the floor is a dark red floor. It's very dusty... 


Adter a long day of cleaning all the bottom level, I walk upstairs. When I reach there, there was so many rooms. I walked in one by one. And the first room, is really big. The ceiling was very tall. It's like a normal living room! 


"OH WHAT THE-" who's that? I screamed. Who was that?

"Turn around, slow turtle" He said. I do as he said. I turned around, to see a boy. With dark hair and brown eyes. Staring back to me. His face is pale as paper. And the way he's looking at me was like he's reading my mind. Maybe I should stop talking in my head.

"You didn't answer me." He said.

I remained silent.

"Are you Elizabeth?" He was looking at the room, but then staring back at me while asking my name.

"Forget that question, who are you?!" I asked, shouting. 

"Couldn't live a minute without shouting, can you?" He chuckled, leaning back to a wall. 

"Yes, my name is Elizabeth, but I'm Elizabeth Charming, couldn't be the person you were looking for, now tell me who are you?!" I said. Quite impatiently.

"Hm.. A spirit.." He then smiled and dissapear into a black dust. 

What the hell is going on.

Okay, I just saw, a boy, he asked my name, and I told him my name, and then I asked who is he, and he said spirit, and then dissapear. What? Wait, a spirit? He's a spirit? 

"Don't be afraid. I'm not gonna hurt you. I'm going to protect you." A voice, the same voice whispered.

What does he mean, "protect me"? Am I in danger? 

"You'll find out soon.."  With that I'm left with a dead silence. 

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