The New Dawn

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We thought he was dead. We thought when we defeated him, he'd never return and the worlds would go back to normal. We were right. At least for awhile. We returned to our own world; wherever we were from. Some, of course, did not because their lives were lost in the trials to which we deeply regret. Lost loves, lost families, and friends the true madness that we endured will never truly leave us as we struggle to move on. To rebuild our worlds and continue trying to thrive.

When we are finally able to move on, that will be a miracle within itself. Even if a few months have passed and it has been peaceful. The rifts never fully healed, meaning that dimensions can still be crossed, though with some difficulty. The balance is still off, and funny thing the peace never seemed to rise. I fear it's only a matter of time before we're thrown back into the chaos.

Something is telling me that, this was only to beginning.

Author's Note: I l know I'm a terrible person and I apologize for abruptly just stopping this Role Play. Honestly, I can't remember why, but I think it had something to do with the pit of chaos that was my senior year. Not that being a college freshman is any better, but I'll try to be more active on this when I can, but like I said, I still want to try to Role Play less, so just keep that in mind. That, and I always have a crap load of work to do so if I'm not responding most likely I'm doing that.

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