Two Kates

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Kate seemed to dance across the field with her surprisingly swift movements, followed with the light of quick flicking flames flying and twirling all around her. The somewhat golden flame illuminated Kate's young features, and seemed to emphasize her rather mature looking dress. The dress was a dark red with white frills and black string lining her flat chest. The dress itself looked like an upside down tulip (which is why everyone calls her the Crimson Tulip) as her ran, jumped, or even made a slight movement the dress seemed to sway with motion similar to fire, along with Kate's red hair that was pulled into tight pigtails. The only thing that made her appear devilish was her color changing eyes, from an orange to a burning red the color that seemed to be similar to an out of control forest fire.

Since Kate had the worst reputation at school she was always alone (or at least in her own eyes).

The surrounding field was beautiful even with the castle slowly waking up. The lights started to flicker in the windows of the dorms. Truly the new noises never bothered Kate, but it was when she gets the strange feeling of being watched when she becomes aware of her surroundings. Kate has never shown this side of her personality before, the commoners says the soldier's motto is "We must never express ourselves with care or joy; we must focus on the fight and not the outcome." Through Kate believe this so called "motto" was stupid and the exact opposite of what a soldier should do, but that's how commoners are nowadays.


Kate rose from the grass with great reluctance, "Great. Its five thirty already" then a small grin emerges on her face, "Time for breakfast. Food!" She started to run to the gathering hall for breakfast, and as she ran past the Mark of Flames she shot a huge fireball in the center of the crest as most advance students did (but very few hit the crest in the center like Kate).

She rushed to the lavish hall decorated to the brim with rare and expressive gems, as she fought her way to get the sit closest to the kitchen. She always would smell the air and try to guest the types if food that was being served.

The food was a delight to Kate's rather simple tong, but to the sons and daughters of lords and ladies it was barely satisfying to their "sophisticated and well-developed tastes". When the lords and ladies laugh that Kate's reaction to the food, she snaps back at them twilling her fork as a manifestation of disrespect, quoting James Darwin, a famous poet of royalty, "Oh, please laugh it off, for truly I don't care. Tis it only means that I will prosper in the so called commoners lands, cause thou don't know the way of a peasant in thy own home." Kate made quoting poets one of her favorite habits because it always leaves those around her in confusion or frustration.



The bells rung seven o'clock and the mass of student processed to leave the hall in a rush to start class. Being late was a punishment that many refuse to speak of. Kate waited until the students left the Hall, she was in no rush because unlike the major of the students, she needed only her magic for Training, her first period.

The training field or courts, was completely rock and metal, because the floor would catch on fire if it were grass or wood. The court wasn't near the fields of flowers and lush grass which Kate did most of the training; the courts were in the center of the castle (were a fountain rested). The walls of the castle seemed to tell the history of past events and failed sparing matches. The walls were laced with cracks, holes, but mostly burn marks.

It seemed that every aspect of the school had a story to tell or a riddle to solve.


Kate is one of three freshmen that had made it into advance classes, full of very little juniors and predominantly seniors. So Kate and her two companions were extremely despised.

The sun wasn't high enough to reach over the tall walls of the school so the court was lit by the fire of one's magic, leaving a rather unwelcome feeling.

"Heads up, feet planted, and look alive" the unfamiliar voice came from a handsome, blonde man who wore a lord's outfit, an all-black suit with golden trims and white lace. He seemed to look around not as if he was checking the stances of the class but more for an answer.

"Cause thy scar in inflicted by uncertainty" the class looked around wondering who had the guts to speak without being called, but only the man seemed to notice. In the back row all the way to the right was a young girl with red hair, but the man was captivated by her eyes, which seemed to turn to a blood red as the words echoed through the court yard.

The sun barely peeked over the wall; allowing everyone to see the Lord's peasant and lovely smile, "You there, back row last to the right, please come forth." Kate seemed to take her lovely time as she slowly strolled of the blissful Lord. "I am Lord Edgar; you must be the infamous Katherine or Kate as many say." He waited for a response but only reserved sharp and rude look away. "You are a fan of Darwin I see, but I am more interested in" he walk closer to her a generous grabbed to chin forcing she to look at him, "This" the words echoed throughout the courtyard. Her classmates were in awe and the complement, given to the Crimson Tulip, the girl who went on assassination jobs for the Hell of it!

"Tis the one who can't see past the looks, fears the wrath of thy mighty soul", Kate's face turned to a grimace, evil smile. Lord Edgar dropped his hand from her chin, his smile gone and his eye hardening. He took five long steps back and raised his right hand removing his glove.

"Ah, so you are easy to push around... LORD Edgar" a smile grew on Kate's face as she took the challenge, Kate's hair turned to a fiery blood red. "Snobs like you" Her eyes lit up, with a fire clearly visible burning the image of Lord Edgar. "Make this world full of FILTH!"

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