gale and katniss's wedding

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I wake up my mom says "today is the big day your whole life is going to change." I am 4 months pregnant i I am having a girl her name will be rue primrose hawthorne. Gale and i have a house we will move into after our Honeymoon in district four. At 12:50 i get my dress makeup shoes and jewelry on Haymitch asks me if I am ready i say I'm ready. He walks me down the aisle gale has a tux on he has a red rose pinned on his tux gale and i exchange vows we are pronounced husband and wife he lifts up my veil and we kiss we go to our reception finnick gives the toast and says how we met he finishes by saying that he is happy for us. I toss my bouquet of roses johanna catches it gale and i shove cake into one other's faces my mom takes pictures thw reception ends we go on our honeymoon in four.

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