Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


Carolyn's POV

Staring in the mirror, I felt up to my ears to touch the dangly earrings that I'm wearing. They're silver hoops with some diamond stones all round it. They were a gift from my mother three years ago. They mean the world to me, considering she died two years ago. My eyes filled with tears, but I quickly snapped out of my thoughts to the sound of Natalie's voice.


I rolled my eyes and walked slowly down the piral stairs, mostly because of the tight dress I was wearing. We were heading up to Dallas, Texas in a couple hours. Before that, we were invited to a party by Tara's cousin, who also loves One Direction.

"Are you guys ready to put the stuff in the car?" Erin asked.

We all gathered our stuff and threw it in the trunk of the rental limo. Mine and Tara's stuff took up the most room... of course. 

"Eye liner, mascara, eyeshadow, blush, bronzer, foundation, cover-up, lipstick... what am I missing?" Tara asked. 

"Whoa! 1980s called. They want their green eyeshadow back," Erin teased Tara. 

"Shut up. It doesn't show up like it looks it would," she shot back. 

"Guys, c'mon! We're going to be late," Racy hurried us. 

"Racy, come your bum. We're coming," I said. 

She rolled her eyes at me. "I'm not a bum, Carolyn," she said. 

"TO THE LIMO!" Natalie yelled, dragging all four of us to the limo. 


Racy's POV

"Wake up! We're here!" Natalie whisper-yelled.

The drive was 5 hours. I fell asleep while the driver started telling us his life story, right when we left our house. 

I rubbed my eyes and looked around. 

This is amazing, I thought. 

"Hurry! I want to get there before all the cream puffs are gone!" Carolyn screeched. 

The driver opened our doors for us, and five guys appeared, escorting us to the door of the mansion. As we reached the door, the guy that was linking arms with Erin opened the doors for us.

"Thank you," Natalie said. 

We walked in and music was blaring. Hot guys. Pretty girls. Food. 

"Am I in heaven?" Erin asked, almost falling to the ground.

"Ha ha," Carolyn said laughed. 

I looked around. Everthing seemed perfect...

Not noticing the cute guys left us, I walked around. I was single... and I think ready to mingle. 

"Hey," this guy said, coming up to me. 

"Hi. Nice party, eh?" I said, scanning everything once more. 

"Yeah. My name is Brian. And you?" He asked.

"Racy. Racy Denver. I'm with those four girls over there. The girl with the redish-brown hair is couins with the girl hosting the party." I said, pointing to my friends. 

"That's cool. So, do you wanna dance?" He asked, taking my hand.

"I'd love to." I replied, not giving a care for anything else in the world at the moment.


 After dancing, I left Brian and went to meet my friends by the food. Of course. 

"How's lover boy?" Erin asked, nudging me in the arm with her elbow. 

"Amazing. Perfect. Awesome dancer. I think I like him..." I said, walking away. 

"Here you go," I said, handing Brian a glass of punch. 

"Thank you," he said. 

"So, tell me about yourself," I said, sitting down and letting him sit next to me.

"Okay. I was born here in Dallas, my dad died when I was 3 years old, and I lived with my mom and my step-dad. I had 4 dogs, all the same breed that were my best friends. I was kind of lonely growing up because my step-brother didn't like me and my step-sister didn't pay much attention to me. I was a lonely kid..." he stopped and took a drink of his punch. I stayed quiet and let him go on.

"I went to school and made a couple friends. Not close friends, though. In high school, I was in a lot       of sports and I enjoyed band. I played the trumpet for a couple years, then tuba. I also liked soccer, tennis, basketball, and baseball. I went to UNC, University of North Carolina. I dropped out last year because too many things got me carried away and I couldn't concentrate that much. Now tell me about you." He said, finally looking at me. He was fiddling with him punch in the cup the whole time.

"Well, there isn't much to say about me." I said. 

"Oh, c'mon. There's gotta be something," he said, putting his arm up on the top of the couch, not noticing he was almost putting his arm around me. 

"I was born in Austin, with both my parents. I have 3 brothers and one sister. I had a hamster when I was 5 years old, and it was my best friend. It's name was Cat. Yeah, don't ask." I said, smiling briefly.

"I was so into my school work. It was my main priority all the time, my whole life. I go to a University in Austin, so do my friends I'm with. I love to do art, and I play soccer, vollyball, and I like gymnastics," I said. I took a drink of my punch and watched as Brian quickly checked me out. 

"Well, it's getting late. Here's my number. Text me when you can, and I hope we can keep in touch. I'll see you around," Brian said, getting up and handing me a piece of paper. 

"Always be on my mind," I said, smiling and getting up, standing in front of him. 

He kissed my cheek. "I had a good time," he said in a flirty way.

"So did I. I hope to see you soon, Brian," I smiled and walked away. 

Is he really the one? I thought to myself, walking towards my friends. Or is he just some hot guy that's into me? Will I find someone else? Or is he perfect?


So, there you go! Chapter 3 (:

I hope this doesn't confuse you, but they aren't at the concert yet so Racy has time to fall for someone before anyone else, right?

Hope you like it (:



Feedback (;

Rachel and Melissa/ @XxGingerCharmxX and @TheChronicleOfRachel

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