Chapter 2 the goalposts

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Over the course of the five years I went to Mt Martha primary school, Ruben told some pretty fucked up stuff to us, which was all of course bullshit, but one day he took it so far 30 actually legitimately told us that he was a bull. as we refused to accept the fact that he was a real bull, he enraged and pretended to kick dust off the oval, but as he went to blow some steam out of his nose huge chunk of snot came out spreading all over his T-shirt it was pretty disgusting, extremely funny anyway. Ruben was infuriated. He started chasing us. so we ran away laughing. as he tried to catch up with us we grabbed the goalpost and swung around doing a 180° quick turn. As Ruben tried to attempt the amazing stunt he ended up running headfirst right into the goalposts and jarred his neck. still to this day we remember one word about that stupid act and that word is "how?".

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