Chapter 3 the Windmill

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Back at Mount Martha, next to the monkey bars lies a set of normal bars. we used to swing off them, play on them, tight rope walk on them, but what we used to love doing most is what we called the windmill. This is where we would sit on the pole and shift our weight from one side of a body to the other constantly so we would constantly spin around on the pole creating like a windmill effect. Ruben always said he could do it and said that he regularly visited the school on the weekends and do the windmill by himself. of course that was again bullshit, so we told him to do it and prove it to us that he could do the the windmill. so Ruben got on the smallest bar possible and of course you're supposed to do it on the highest bars so you don't end up hurting yourself anyway back to the story. Ruben got on the smallest bar possible and he sat on top shaking with fear. A droplet of sweat running down his nose and above his lip created a little pool of sweat. He closed his eyes and took a big sigh, then swung down he ended up swinging upside down and getting stuck. for the second time in the exact same month of July Ruben fell off and Jarred his neck.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2015 ⏰

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