Do Unto Others

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The residents of 4 Privet Drive were terrified. They were not terrified because Voldemort had risen again- and again he had, though no one knew it- or because there had been a 'terrorist' attack quite near them. No, they were terrified because of a small boy with messy black hair by the name of Harry James Potter. Now, one might wonder why two grown adults and one very fat child would be afraid of a skinny eleven-year-old wearing baggy clothes. What could he possibly do? Unfortunately for them, young Harry was a wizard. A very powerful wizard, in complete control of his power. And whenever young Harry became angry...


...Things happened. Unnatural things. Like thunder and hail when a mere five seconds before there had been not a single cloud in the sky. The houses in a seven-block radius of 4 Privet Drive mysteriously plunged into a power outage that the electricians couldn't make heads or tails of. Their block being mysteriously invaded by millions of poisonous snakes. Strange symbols being written on all the crisp, whitewashed fences- in blood. Needless to say, the Dursleys were a tad... worried. About what might happen this time.

The lights went out.

"In here darling!"

The Dursleys huddled in the cupboard under the stairs, fearing for their lives. Strange wails emanated from upstairs. Dudley began to cry.

"I'm scared, Mommy!"

"Hush, popkin. If we're quiet, maybe he'll forget about us."

The Dursleys waited in anxious silence.


Said 11-year-old was currently collapsed on his king-sized bed in the master bedroom, trying his best to hold in snickers.

'Maybe the wails were a bit much.' he thought, snorting. 'Dudley's about to wet himself.'

He sprawled on the bed, staring up at the sky.

'The stars are nice tonight... Oh crap.'

"The ceiling!" He bolted upright.

Harry considered the hole dubiously.

'Whatever. As long as it doesn't rain.'

A scream sounded from downstairs. He snickered.

'Ah, the sound of music...'


Twelve hours later, the Dursleys were dead on their feet and scared witless. Vernon sat listlessly at the table, his jumbo coffee cup in his hand just barely keeping his head from landing in his scrambled eggs. Dudley had his face planted firmly in his toast. Despite how tired they were, they still instantly jolted upright when the kitchen door slammed open.


Dudley ran and hid behind Aunt Petunia. Uncle Vernon dropped his coffee cup to the floor, where it shattered and splattered Turkish coffee all over his loafers and dressing gown. Harry smirked vindictively.

"Well? Aren't you going to greet me?"

All three Dursleys immediately stammered out a 'good morning.'

"Tsk, tsk, now is that any way to treat a nephew? Again."

All three repeated themselves,a bit louder this time.

"I'll let it slide this time, just because I'm such a good person. You should thank me."

No one moved.


The coffee pot exploded. Vernon visibly ground his teeth, but managed to restrain himself somehow. The Dursleys muttered their way through a 'thank you.'

"I see I'll have to teach you manners. Oh, whatever, I'm starving. What's for breakfast, 'Tunia?" he sang, plopping down in a chair and propping his feet on the table.

Aunt Petunia held up a full-style continental breakfast.

"Well? Don't just stand there, woman! Serve it already!"

She did so. Harry grinned. He just knew it was going to be a good day.

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