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*not edited


"So your plan, is to take Miles' dragon, and not give it back?" Duce asks. I glance at him as I wrap the egg in a towel and place it under a light.

"Yes, because there would be no way the High Council would have known where we resided, Miles had to have told them!" I explain.

"You have a point, although-what is keeping his dragon egg going to do?" Jolie says, helping me. I wet a towel and squeeze the excess water out on top of the egg.

"If we hold his egg, it will make him think he doesn't have a dragon." I say, moving the egg so it's surrounded by damp towels.

"And?" Jolie pushes.

"And I uh, I don't know..." I trail off. I didn't think this through.

"You need to take it back Emma, who knows what he could do once he realises we have the egg!" Harmony chimes. I look at her and grab some Fire Sprout from my bag.

"Alright, first thing tomorrow. We take it back and go to Yewsa after, hopefully my egg is there." I sigh, crumbling the sprout in my hand and laying it on the coals. "Do you have the starter coral?" I ask Harmony. She nods and hands the grey plant to me.

I pick up a piece of the Fire Sprout and rub the two together. The Fire Sprout lights and I throw it on the rest, starting a fire.

"Did anyone go hunting?" Jolie asks.

"Yeah, Duce and I went earlier this morning, we got a couple of rabbits and a fox." Derrick says, holding up the three animals. I smile and grab them.

"Emma, teach me how to skin rabbits?" Jolie asks, I nod and show her how to do it and leave her to do the second rabbit and fox. I grab the already skinned rabbit and cut it up, putting it in a pot. I grab some Herbs and put them in, also cutting some potato and putting it in.

"Here," Jolie says, handing me the second rabbit and fox. I cut them up as well and pour some water into the pot too.

Jolie grabs the large pot as I set up the spit. I undo to hook and let it dangle. Grabbing the contraptions, I place it over the fire, while Jolie puts the pot on the hook.

"Leave it for a couple of hours," I say.

"Emma, somethings wrong." Harmony says, clutching her head. Duce grabs her and holds her,laying her down and setting her head in his lap. She groans in pain.

"Someone's trying to read her mind!" Liza says. I look around.

"Jolie go find Rejection Fern!" I order. Jolie runs to her Kiolate and gallops off. She returns shortly after,the red plant clasped in her hand. She hands it to me and I crumple it, forcing it into Harmonys mouth.

"Chew, come on babe, chew it," Duce says, caressing her cheek. Her eyes snap open, completely white, before it fades showing her blue eyes. She blinks a few times.

"Har?" Lizabeth asks. Harmony looks at her and smiles slightly.

"I'm alright." She states before sitting up and hugging Duce. He rests his forehead on hers, with his eyes closed. I look away, not wanting to look at them. Not because it's gross, but because I want it.

I mean, Harmony and Duce, Liza and Derrick. They are together.

"There's only one person I know who can do that." I say, thinking out loud.

"Miles." Everyone concludes. I nod and rub my temples, feeling a headache coming on.

"I don't understand what's wrong with him!" I groan. I sit down on a rock. Picking up a stick I tease a little mouse.

"Yeah, I agree. It's not like him to forcefully read people's minds. What if he is getting threatened? And more importantly, what's he looking for?" Liza asks.

"I have no idea." Derrick says.

"Come everyone, it's late we must sleep." I say, noticing the time. The cave has a system where there are 8 little cut offs that we turned into rooms. I slid my curtain across and went in shutting it behind me. My 'room' was the average size of your everyday bedroom, it has a moss bed and shelves. I sat of the bed, and pulled the pillow down a bit, laying down I pulled the leaf blanket over me.

And I fell asleep peacefully.

My DragonHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin