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Croydon had informed me of what he can do, and he was right when he said he isn't like the other dragons, first things first, he can shape shift into anything he desisers, he has the powers of all the elements, he can manipulate air partials to make things seems as though they're not there when they really are. And best of all, I get every power he possesses, he truly is amazing.

"My friends. They'll be wondering of my whereabouts..." I trail off, looking at Spencer and Cindy.

"Come, we must get you home then," Cindy nods.

Spencer is hesitant but nods. They lead me out and I wonder where they are leading me when we arrive at a huge stable. What creatures are kept in here?

Cindy and Spencer go in and come out leading two horses, one black the other white. But what surprises me are the big wings protruding form their sides.

"Pegasus?" I ask. Spencer smirks and shakes his head as he brings his closer. I look at the horse closer. It resembles a horse, yes. But it's defiantly not. It's tail is a lions tail and its mane is made completely of feathers. "Kiolates?"

Spencer nods.

"They are the rarest kind. Hell Kiolates" Cindy explains. My eyes widen. I never knew such Kiolate existed.

Croydon walks up next to me blowing a plume of smoke at me.

"We must get going. " he says. I look up at him and nod. Reaching up I grab one of his horns and swing myself onto his back. "Here, Emma."

Before I know it I'm lifted up slightly as a leather saddle appears bellow me.

"You didn't tell me you could do that!" I shout at him, hitting him on the back of the head.

"Must of slipped my mind," he shrugs, the action vibrating through his body. As he unfurls his wings I notice that they are completely clear, like crystal. Woah.

In one swift motion he lifts them up high and flaps them down and we are airborne. I tilt my head back at the wind blowing through my hair as he speeds up.

"Just go throu-"

"The trees about a kilometre. I know, I can read your mind" I grumble and cross my arms. I look behind me a see Spencer and Cindy not far behind, they're kiolates flapping their wings. It's not long before we reach the cave. When Croydon lands the rocks shake, small fragments of rock come tumbling down the wall. He's so big...I don't know how he will fit inside...

Then suddenly Croydon begins to shrink. What the? He is now the size of your average dragon. I stare at him bewildered. How did he do that?!

"I told you, I'm not like other dragons!" He argues.

"Get out of my head!!!!" I shout, groaning. I go into the cave.

My DragonHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin