chapter 9

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ugh sorry I suck at updating >.<

but I updated so read :)






Do all of that stuff ^^^^^^^^^^

thanks c:


I blinked a few times.

did that just happen.

I smiled.

I mean what can go wrong?

"Yeah, sure" I smiled shyly tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

he grinned and smiled.

"so um... as our first official date. Do you wanna walk to starbucks?" he asked.

there was a starbucks down the street, just a block.

"sure" I piped.

we walked down the street and played twenty questions about stupid things. Once we got there he went up to the counter to order and I sat at a table.

"Are you dating that boy?"

I turned around and saw two girls looking at me.

"um... yeah" I said.

I guess this was a date... so we're dating.

"not to pop your bubble but that boy's trouble" The blonde said.

"is that so?" I asked glancing over at nick who was ordering our drinks.

"Yeah... He's a major player." The brunette said.

"Heartbreaker" The blonde said as she popped her bubble of her gum.

"Bridget, Lacey?"Nick said as he handed me my coffee.

"oh hi" they awkwardly replied.

"um Lacey lets go now" the blonde said and they hurried out the door.


"what did they say to you?" he asked me.

"nothing" I lied.

I hate drama and I want to avoid it.

"are you sure?" he asked.

I nodded my head and sipped my coffee.

The rest of the date we laughed and told stories, I don't get how they said nick is cruel.

I felt my phone vibrate in my hand

From Eleanor:

Babe dinner's ready in ten minutes be home soon xx

That means I should leave now if I want to walk home in time.

To Eleanor:

Walking home now be home soon xx

"I have to leave now, gotta get home" I sighed.

"I have to walk walk to track auditions too so I'm sorry I can't walk with you" he said standing up.

"track auditions?" I asked.

"yeah it's just summer track" he stated and I nodded.

We walked out the doors and said bye and before I left he leaned over to my cheek and kissed it.

Living as Eleanor Calder's Little sister (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now