chapter 24

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*Not edited*

I looked through my closet for a swimsuit...which one should I wear. its really hot today so we're going on a boat. Im so glad my cast can get wet, or else id get so hot. the cast only goes from my ankle to my lower knee. figures I only cracked a bone below my kneecap so its not as bad as the doctors thought.

I decided on a teal bikini with gold studs on the top and a white short sundress to go over it. I went into the bathroom and changed, struggling to get my shorts over this stupid cast. its going to be off in September, hopefully its off before my birthday. after the struggles of getting my clothes around my cast I finally got dressed. I let my hair down from my pony into its natural waves. I grabbed some sandals from my closet and my sunglasses from my dresser and made my way downstairs.

"kit are you ready to go?" Niall asked me walking down the stairs.

"Yup" I said popping the 'p'

"lets get in the car" Niall said walking outside where everyone else was waiting.

"Let's just take two cars because I don't want to take the van" Eleanor said.

I nodded in agreement, the van wasn't the most comfortable car...

"allright.. i'll take Eleanor, zayn and liam and uh, niall you can take Harry and kit, sound good?" Louis said.

everyone walked to their cars and I got in the back of naill's car and sat down.

"Im so excited" I piped, putting on me seatbelt.

"Me too! I brought some food along too" niall said from the drivers seat.

I rolled my eyes, niall always has food with him.

"Of course you do ni" harry chuckled turning the radio on.

sweater weather by the neighborhood was playing and hummed along to it. I watched the buildings and tree's as we drove to the shore. I actually like London a quite more than California, I don't know why but I do.

I don't miss California, well some things I do. i actually miss my parents, even though they were drunk all the time... they raised me. i don't always remember them being drunk. when i was younger they were quite sober. but i still loved them,


my parents walked into the house and i heard them walking into the kitchen. they must of went out for a drink...

my mom walked in and ran to me hugging. i was confused at first but i hugged her back.

she let go of me and she was  crying. she's probably drunk

"im sorry Kaitlin, we couldn't give you the life you deserve" she cried.

i know this isn't my picture of a perfect life,  but its still the life i have and nothings going to change

"Its all right mom, im not mad at you" i replied.

she shrugged.

"all right honey, i love you" she said walking up the stairs.

"love you too" i replied.


 i wonder what they did before they moved to America that made them so bad...


i snapped out of my thoughts and Niall and harry were looking back at me with a worried expression. i looked out the window and saw we were parked in front of a beach.

"are you okay princess?" niall asked me.

"Yeah, fine" i replied "i was just thinking"

"are you sure?" harry asked

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