Chapter 11

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"We still need to talk." Alex's voice says softly.

"There's nothing to talk about," I try to act like nothing happened.

"There's a lot to talk about, for example... WHY THE HELL WAS THERE BLOOD ON THE WALLS? I want to know why! I want to know now!" He growls, and I flinch as his eyes change from caring to hurtful.

"You don't need to know, because if you did, you will get hurt, and I'm not about to hurt anyone else. I've done that enough, and I'm still not used to it," I whispered, and clutch my legs to my chest.

"I don't care about me right now, I care about you and I need you to tell me. I want to help." He looks into my eyes, and I see him genuinely wanting to help.

"You can't. No one can help me, I can't help me, and neither can you. I bet that all you're gonna do if I tell about me, is your gonna spread it around the school like a wildfire, and I can't risk that." I shut down completely, it's one of the few things I know how to do. 

"I can't believe you would say that?! If I were gonna do that I wouldn't be that caring, but I am not gonna do that."

"I don't know who to trust," my voice cracks," Because every time I trust someone they end up letting me crash and burn," My voice is barely audible at this point.

"Okay. I'll always be here, but you have to learn to trust others around you, trust me." His eyes smolder, and I feel so guilty.

I stay silent, and look at him and hope he knows what I'm trying to say. Because right now, I can't loose my only hope.
We go to sit in my room, and Alex helps me clean it up. We get rid of the blood on the walls and the tears on my cheeks.

"It hurts me when I want to tell you something, everything, but I can't." I sit on the bed, my eyes focused on the pink flowers that cover the sheets.

"Then tell me pieces," He holds my hand.

I flush a bright red.

"S-sorry," He stutters and takes his hand away.

For some reason I miss the warmth he brought.

"It's fine, well. Let's start by saying that Kirsten isn't my sister," I squeak, my eyes squeeze and I bite my lip while I wait for him to react.

"Okay." He shows me a really disappointed face, and it makes my heart ache.

"I only lied, because I wasn't ready, I hardly knew you, and I was so embarrassed of who I was. I just couldn't." My eyes drop to fingers.

"Hey," He tilts my head up," It's perfectly fine, I get it," He smiles at me.

"You know, I still wonder what happened to the guy who called me a bitch on the first day we met," I grin at him, curious as to where that guy went.

"He met you," He looked at me dead in the eyes, and my heart started to race, I could heart it. I just hope he couldn't.

I turned my head away and looked down, I could feel the blood pooling in my cheeks. "We-well, on with my story. Um, today is the anniversary of the day my biological parents left me 9 years ago. I was fostered into a family that I didn't even know. I stopped talking for 3 years. So I stopped talking until I was 10." I told him, I felt so embarrassed, he would never know what it felt like to have your parents leave you, abandon you with a family of strangers.

"Don't cry, you don't deserve it," His thumb swipes gently across my cheek, and I feel something wet run over my skin.

"I do, I'm the reason my parents left." I cried, my voice raising with every word I said.

"Look at me. There is nothing you could do to make your parents leave," He holds my shoulders, he tries to make me feel better but he doesn't know what I did.

"I embarrassed them. I cut myself. I almost died. I used a knife to cut my wrists!" I scream, throw my glasses onto the bed and my head falls into my palms.

I heard the clack of my glasses unfolding. Alex's hands moved my palms away from my face, and moved my face upwards. Without a word, he slipped my glasses onto my face, and gave me a pitiful smile.

"That was 9 years ago, you're not that person anymore." He tells me, his voice barely a whisper.

"I think the blood on the walls disagrees," I scowl, my teeth clench in my mouth, and I make a disgusted face.

"I disagree. You are so..." I cut him off.

"Leave." I point towards the door.

"What? Why?" He asks, his hand moves my hair out of my face.

I slap his hand away. "Leave." I growl through clenched teeth.

He stays silent, but after a moment he leaves. I hear his feet padding down the stairs.

"Alex, honey, what happened?" I hear Kirsten ask him.

"Ask your foster child," I can hear the hurt in his voice.
( I would've ended it hear, but I love u guys so...)

Kirsten gasps, the door slams shut, and the roar of Alex's car echoes as he drives away.

Kirsten walks into my room, to see me huddled under the blankets.

"You told him?" She ask, her motherly tone comes out strong as she rubs my back.

"Not everything, but somethings," I sniffle and remove the comforter from my face.

"What happened? Why did he leave? Did he not like your background?" She asks, I can sense the concern she's feeling.

"I thought he wouldn't understand what I went through. He took it so lightly, so I told him to leave. It hurts so much!" I cry into her chest as I hug her.

"I'm assuming he didn't tell you then," She mumbles to herself.

"What didn't he tell me?" I ask her, my eyes searching her face for answers.

"That's his story to tell, not mine," She looks at me apologetically, before she leaves my room and leaves me in my thoughts.

"Hot chocolate?" She asks loudly.

"Yeah," I answer back.

I stare out of my window, regretting my decisions, and looking for answers.
Hey guys!

Late update I know, but I made I kinda longer!

Hope u like!

Vote and Comment pls:)

Stay chill,

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