Chapter one

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   Why live life when you don't know what life has for you? We all have that one question what am I suppose to do in life why am I here? Well life isn't a person so it can't tell you that! Hi I'm Mckenzie and I'm 15 years old. I'll be sixteen in 7 days, one week. I never really liked being ya know sporty or girly I'm just a couch potato! I wear hoodies and pants everyday I'm a nerd cause I'll i ever do is study and I really have nothing better to do. I hate cheerleaders!!! I mean I have friends but there like me. There names are Linsey, cat, and Chester. I met Chester in 3rd grade when he threw a math card at my head and I poured milk In his shirt. And Linsey I have always met for some reason I just walked up to her as my mom says and started farting on her shhh she dosent know, because we were only babies. And Cat I met in 7th grade and she flicked off the Spanish teacher and I liked that because I'm boring and she's fun. But tomorrow is the last day of school and of course I will be eating in the bathroom by myself.

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