Just For Fun....

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(Just for fun, I wanted to put an alphabetical list of all the character's names as defined by the urban dictionary... ;) This is gonna be fun....)

Amelia - A crazy, awesome, loud, lovable girl. Impossible not to be smiling when around her. She lights up the entire room when she comes in. The bestest friend you will ever have.

Amethyst (AKA Sophia's mom) - Extremely cool and adorkable girl. Usually is seen reading classic novels and listening to indie rock. This particular person has the ability to be intelligent, but act completely stupid at the same time. Often misunderstood...

Ashley - A fly, crazy, fresh, princess, ditzy, beautiful, gangster, barbie, diva, fun, irritating, bad, playertastic, indescribable; young lady who always looks her best. not many can handle her. someone who is talked about; on a regular basis. but doesn't give a crap. someone who knows what she deserves and won't settle for anything less. She just floats with ease, and never struggles with anything she does. She must always meet the expectations and live up to her rightful name of the awesomest person everyone knows. 

Butch - Masculine or Macho dress and behavior, REGARDLESS of sex or gender identity.

Chelsea - the most AMAZING people you will ever find are Chelsea's. chicken flavored & lemon scented. DELICIOUSLY good looking.

Christopher - Maybe when you first meet a Christopher they'll seem like a jerk, and hurt you emotionally multiple times, or possible make the lamest jokes but one day he'll make up for it all, the best he can. Christophers will eventually realize the love that they've stored in a safe place for you. Christophers usually have the most gorgeous smile out there, and the most seductive voice. They're someone you wouldn't mind spending the rest of your entire life with. They have a tendancy to spend more time thinking of what to do for someone else than themselves. Christophers love adventure, new things, something to get their blood rushing and heart pounding. 

Darius - A magical person that helps with problems.

Elizabeth - The most amazing, beautiful, awesome, spectacular, gorgeous, cute, incredible, breathtakeing, wonderful, pretty, adorable, and most importantly cutifulazing girl ever.

Evelyn - The most amazing person on the face of the earth!!!! 

(No doubt posted by one of her notorious Markless-hating lackeys...)

Gerald (SC) - A cool, sweet, fun, lovable guy, who always seems to be misunderstood. He can be romantic as well. Guys like these are hard to find, because they are great to have around. Not only are they smart (like a nerd), but they have looks (like a model). A typical Gerald would be found on a computer or phone in a chat room, or just online playing video games.

Jake - an amazing guy that is really funny and really adorable that you cant help but love .

Jason - the only name that can be spelled through 5 months of the year.J - July
A - August
S- September
O - October
N - November 

(So true XD)

Kate - A girl's name for the coolest person you will ever meet.

Katrina - A beautiful girl that has many qualities. The perfect woman for any man.

Layla - A fun loving girl who knows how to have fun. She has many friends with a lot of inside jokes. She generally has brown hair, brown eyes, and crazy dance moves. She knows how to make anyone laugh and laughs all the time herself. She has many friends who get her sense of style and sexy skills.

Levi - A highly attractive, muscular, athletic person who loves sports and being outside. He is one of the sweetest and honest people a girl could meet, and is hard to let go of. He will make you laugh so hard you cry, and once you spend a day with him, you will never forget the time you had. Levi is a unique, one of a kind person that is loved by everyone.

Luke - To create a Luke: start with a base of hysterically funny. Mix in equal parts of cute, charming, sexy and intelligent. Combine with integrity, thoughtfulness and confidence until a solid foundation forms. For flavour, add a dirty mind to the hysterically funny but balance it by increasing the charm to 'almost irresistible' quantity. You should find the resulting mixture is well formed and appealing to the eye. Add maturity, cheekiness and something 'indescribably unique' to serve.

Summary: A Luke is one of the most amazing and unique people you will ever meet. In many ways he is like a great recipe for a person – containing all the right elements in just the right quantities. If you meet a Luke, show him he's special by hiding things to make him smile wherever and whenever you can – even on the internet.

If you ever have the opportunity to be friends with a Luke then take it. You will be the 2nd luckiest woman in the world.

(Wooowww... XD I like Luke and all, but not ^THAT^ much!)

Luna - most amazing person. Loving, kind, sweet, funny, beautiful. Always there for you. The best friend anyone could ask for. Huge heart, big brain. Loyal and will never leave someone she truly loves.

Natalie - A very pretty girl who is shy at first but then she will open up. She is very trustworthy and has a great sense of humor. She falls for people fast and doesn't trust easily. She is beautiful inside and out people just don't realize it..... yet. She's kickbutt and a great friend to have. 

Natasha - The most beautiful, smart and perfectly delecta-licious-mazing, uber delicious double chocolate-chip cookie dough square of a girl all wrapped in super pumpkin-spice awesomeness! :])

Nicholas - (noun) 1. Usually a man of the gentleman class. Said person normally exhibits an out going nature, but is distinctly introverted. Many of the expressions of said person will be mysterious and enigmatic to the point of making no apparent sense. These creatures tend to excel in theoretical or academic fields.

Peter - Peter is a name for a lovely, lovely boy.

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