The Stock Room

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Today was off. Haruhi walked down the West Hall, on the way to Music Room #3. She hoped to God that these damn rich people weren't going to dress her up again. Then again, if she thought about it, she kind of liked it. The twins, fawning over her; Honey-senpai squishing his face up saying how cute she was; Mori-senpai giving a nod, while holding Honey; Tamaki's loving look, blushing face, and proclamations of 'how cute Daddy's little girl looks!!' whilst glaring at the flirtatious twins; finally, the seemingly-unapproachable Kyoya-senpai, always writing in his little black book, with a brief smile. Wait, why did she include Kyoya last? Usually it's the twins of Tamaki-senpai. Huh. Weird.

Anyway, she opened the doors to the music room. For once she noticed these weird drifting rose petals, floating through the air when she opened the door. What the hell are those for? Some weird new decoration? Or had they always been there...? She stepped in and noticed that...the Host Club wasn't in costumes. Why not?

"Tamaki-senpai, why aren't you guys in costumes?" she asked when she entered the room. Kaoru was sitting beside his brother, Hikaru, on the small loveseat, and they were looking very bored. Honey and Mori were sitting at a lacquered table off to the side. Honey, as usual, was scarfing down sweets. Was that pie? Man, I could go for some pie now. Like, maybe cherry? Have I ever had cherry? Never mind. She shook her head and directed her attention to Tamaki and Kyoya, who were sitting at another lacquered table, on the other side of the room.

"Kyoya-senpai said that we out did the budget last month, and that we'll have to stick to normal dress this month." Tamaki answered, his face sullen and pouty. Kyoya did not seem the least put out. He was clacking away at his laptop, probably researching something. Who knows what he looks up? With that impassive face, he could be looking at "How to Conquer the World Due to Your Dashing Good Looks, Cool Demeanor, and Far Away Eyes." Wait, did I just say all that gushy stuff? Dear God, Tamaki is getting to me. Far Away Eyes? Nah. More like "You Still Owe Us an Unattainable Amount of Money, Haruhi." Heh heh.

She shook her head again. "Well, that's too bad. We could have done a swimsuit theme this month!"

"Did you mean that?" the twins asked in unison. They had darted from their spot on the loveseat and leaned their arms on Haruhi's shoulders. Now they didn't look so bored. Heh heh. Time to play with their emotions.

"Well, yeah! I did some searching online, and I managed to find an absolutely gorgeous strapless two piece! But, I guess since we're not doing the swim theme..."

Kyoya's chair was knocked over. He had wisely gotten up from his seat as the twins threw themselves at him.

"Come on, Mom! We can do the swim thing! Please??"

"Yeah, we'll get the Hitachiin family to sponsor the whole thing!"

Hikaru and Kaoru chorused, while making the most heart-meltingly puppy dog eyes at Kyoya.

"Calm down, you perverts! I was kidding. There is no way I would have worn a strapless two piece in front of you two meatheads!" Haruhi cut in, walking calmly to the table Honey and Mori were sitting at. She was famished.

"Ah! How cruel you are, maiden! That you would toy our hearts with such indifference!" Kaoru gasped dramatically.

"Yes, fair lady! How dare you lead on our pure, innocent heads to believe such hopeless dreams!" agreed Hikaru, continuing with the dramatic effect.

"BOTH OF YOU, SHUT UP!" Tamaki yelled, startling everyone except Kyoya. "I will not allow my daughter to be objectified by your perverted eyes!" He walked over to the twins and grabbed them by their ears, dragging them through the door and into the hall. "I'll be back when I've taught these scandals a lesson!" he called back, still holding the protesting twins by the ears and pulling them down the pink Pink? hallway.

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