Long Time, No See

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It had been a while since Haruhi had seen Kyoya. Or any of the Host club, for that matter. Summer break presented her with two options: stay at school (Ranka had an emergency family trip to Canada since when do we have family there???  and he didn't want Haruhi to stay at home by herself for the whole two months) or take a vacation to the coast. Obviously, Haruhi had chosen the trip that would take her as far away from the twins and Tamaki as possible; so here she was, standing in her hotel room with her luggage strewn about her. Her swimsuit hung over a chair. One of her t-shirts was flung onto one of the ceiling fan blades. And she was pretty sure that was her underwear peeking out from under the desk. Man, I'm a mess. Maybe I should have stayed home, where I had more than three drawers' worth of storage space. Oh well. I'm here.

She decided to walk around the small, coastal town. Retrieving her purse and room key from underneath a pair of pants strewn on the bed, she headed towards the door. Once she was in the hallway, she stopped to look at the time. 13:00. I've got time to kill. 

Walking down the hallway, she clicked the button for the elevator. While she was waiting on it, she looked around. To the left of the elevator was a small table with flowers on it (fake, she noticed) and a small pile of red pamphlets that matched the scarlet carpet. She stepped over to pick one up. She flipped through it quickly, seeing nothing but the beach, pools, and the beach. She turned it over, and stopped breathing for a second.

In small beige print at the bottom, the page stated:

Owned by the Otori Family

what. she breathed. what the? how the hell are they EVERYWHERE?

She dropped the pamphlet as the elevator dinged. She stepped quickly into it and fairly smashed the ground floor button. I just wanted one vacation. One! That's it. Where there's Kyoya, there's Tamaki. And where there's Tamaki, there's-


Hikaru and Kaoru.

She winced and looked up at the ginger brothers standing in front of the open elevator doors. She sighed, and said, "Do you have a GPS on me? Seriously. Can't I take a little time away from you people?"

As her words sunk in, and as she pushed past them, Hikaru and Kaoru felt hurt. In unison, they thought, We thought she'd be happy to see us...?

They turned around just as Haruhi was walking past the receptionist's desk. Their sandals flapping onto the wooden floor, they jogged to her and clutched both of her arms. They escorted her outside.

"Haruhi, whatever is the matter? We thought we'd surprise you with this trip," said Kaoru, his voice sounding hurt.

"Yeah, Haru-chan, we figured you'd be happy to see us," agreed Hikaru, wincing slightly as they stepped into the bright light outside.

"Guys, I am happy to see you," Haruhi responded, stopping and loosing her arms from theirs. She turned around to look at them. "It's just...Guys, it's been a week since school got out. You didn't miss me that much, did you?" she questioned. What if they really did? I mean, we've bonded a lot over the past year, so it would maybe make sense... I don't know.

"We did miss you that much," they chorused, enveloping her in a hug. Their arms got tangled up slightly, so they stopped the embrace quickly. "Especially since what happened with Kyoya," continued Kaoru, once more slipping his slender arm through hers as Hikaru did the same.

"Speaking of, has Kyoya said anything about our last...encounter?" Haruhi slyly asked, hoping she didn't sound too needy. To be real, she'd thought about what had happened (or what hadn't happened) with Kyoya for a bit and she still didn't really know how she felt about it. She liked him, obviously, but did she like-like him? You know, that four letter word that is so difficult to declare...

"No, not really. What even happened? What did you guys do?" Kaoru answered, he and Hikaru guiding Haruhi to an expensive looking boat (yacht? do they own everything?) that was harbored on the small, dingy dock.

"I'm not telling you! That's Kyoya and I's business, not you guys'!" Haruhi retorted, her face flushed as she remembered how heated it got in that unused Tea Room and on that plush love seat.

"Oh well," Hikaru whispered to Kaoru behind her back. "We tried."

They stepped onto the dock's moldy wooden boards and walked to the edge of the boat. A board walk had been conveniently set up for them to walk onto the yacht, and Haruhi finally broke free of the twins. She walked a bit onto the board, then turned around to face them, arms akimbo.

"I swear," she started, her voice dangerously smooth. Hikaru gulped and Kaoru pulled on his shirt collar nervously. "If Kyoya is on this boat, and this is some sort of surprise reunion thing, I will shove you both into the sea and refuse to ever, ever  wear a swimsuit around your perverted eyes ever again."

Hikaru answered for them both. "W-well, Haru-chan, we j-just thought that w-we'd have a little get t-together with our fr-friends, you kn-know."

Haruhi smiled sweetly, and said, "Well, if you say so, I'll stay. But I need to be back into the hotel by 21:00." Turning around, she walked briskly upon onto the yacht's deck and entered the cabin.

The twins sighed dejectedly, sad at never seeing Haru-chan in a swimsuit again, and waited for her to come back out.

And come back out she did.

Face red, ears nearly steaming and hair seemingly electrified, Haruhi speed-walked back out of the cabin, across the deck, and down the board walk, where the twins caught her. Sighing in unison and trying to avoid Haruhi's flailing arms, they picked her up under each arm and walked her back up the board walk, back across the deck, and into a smaller cabin, about the size of a broom closet. Plopping a furious Haruhi on the floor, Hikaru patted her hand and walked out, with Kaoru closing the door and locking it.

Inside, Haruhi was fuming. The boys said he wouldn't be here! Don't they understand that I need to figure things out before I confront him again??? Those damn rich people! Ugh!

Standing up and dusting off her jeans, Haruhi moved a life jacket and tried the brass doorknob. It didn't move. She tried it again. Maybe it's just a little stuck. I mean, you know what sea salt does to wood. I just have to push it a bit more. She pushed and the door didn't budge. She sighed. Honestly, I should have expected it. Question is, why did the twins lock me in this...this broom closet? I bet they're up to their tricks and the floor's going to drop out from underneath...


She nearly stopped breathing as a Kyoya Otori was shoved unceremoniously into her face and the door was slammed shut. The lock clicked once more.

This is way worse than the floor dropping.

"Ahem, hello, Haruhi."

author's note: shorter than usual, I know, but I haven't posted since last year and I wanted to keep this fic up a bit, as it's my first one. also, it's 1:15 in the morning and i've got school tomorrow, so i'm going to go to sleep. I'll update as soon as possible. remember, like, comment, vote!

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