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Okay. Today is the day.

I'm going to murder him.

Haruhi mentally noted, packing her schoolbag. She was thankful that the twins had stayed with her the night before (they were great movie buddies-Hikaru would screech at Godzilla and Kaoru just didn't understand zombie movies. "You know, that's physically impossible for that guy to already look that bad. He was buried, like, five minutes ago.") It was hilarious watching Ranka chase them out the door when he walked in when they had their heads on Haruhi's lap.


"Dad, chill, it's the Hitachiin brothers, they gave me a cell phone, remember? And no, Tamaki is not here," Haruhi had explained, nursing her chin. The twins had jumped up so fast that Kaoru's head had collided with her chin, and it hurt.

"Oh. Well in that case, you're welcome to stay, boys!" he said, gesturing them back in. The boys approached haltingly, Kaoru rubbing his head. "Just let me know if you need anything!" Ranka chirped sweetly. "I'll be in my bedroom!"

"Wow, Ranka must really hate Tamaki," Hikaru observed.

"Well, you have to remember, Dad walked in on us when Tamaki happened to be stationed above me in a 'provocative' position, and he freaked," Haruhi explained. What she left out, however, was how she had had a very uncomfortable talk with her dad after the Host Club had left about 'being on your guard' when she was around 'that perverted boy'. She had said that it was an accident, but, of course, he didn't believe her and proceeded to start crying while saying, "My little girl is growing up!"

"Oh." They said in unison.

"Well, guys, our movie just ended and I'm beat. I'll walk you guys out while you wait for a car," Haruhi said, escorting the twins out the door. "Hey, Kaoru! I need to talk to you," she called. Kaoru whispered to his brother, "Go ahead and call the car," and looked back at her.

"What's up, Haru-chan?"

"I just wanted to thank you for talking me through my tears about Kyoya. I really appreciate it." She said, blushing slightly. Kaoru noticed her blush, and blushed himself. He leaned down slightly and kissed her hot cheek.

"Of course, Haruhi, me and Hikaru are always there for you. Just call, and we'll be here, watching crappy movies with you!" he chuckled, giving her a warm hug. "There's no need to walk us down, Hikaru already called the car. And besides, you're tired. And you have some Kyoya butt-whooping to do tomorrow," he concluded, smiling really big.

Haruhi laughed, and waved him off. "Tell Hikaru I said goodbye. Oh, and if Kyoya comes to you guys tomorrow complaining of major ass pain, tell him he deserved it."

He laughed, walking backwards. "Definitely!" he called over his shoulder as he half-jogged to and down the steps.

Haruhi blinked.

I think I just spent ten minutes reminiscing, God. I'm going to be late!

She checked to make sure she had her keys and wallet, and walked out the door, locking it.

Kyoya's in for it today.

/le skip to Host Club Meeting/

Opening the door to Music Room #3, Haruhi noticed that there were no random rose petals. That's weird. She walked in to see the twins engaged in a 'brotherly love' segment for their guests, who were practically fainting at the sight.

"Oh, how loving!" they oohed, clutching their hearts as they were broken and healed at the same time: broken that they couldn't be with a twin, but healed when they realized the twins had each other.

The Feelings of Haruhi FujiokaWhere stories live. Discover now