Chapter 9

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As Clara sits in her room, she thinks about the article she found.

Why would Draco and his family keep something like that? Who is Voldemort? And does Draco and his family have something against Harry Potter or something? It makes absolutely no sense. Yes, Draco seemed very short when I asked about Harry Potter, like he didn't want to talk about him at all, but why in the world would he keep something like that for so many years?

Clara sits on her bed thinking all of this over. Her brain is wired, so she isn't able to relax and fall asleep.

There's a knock on her door.

"Come in."

The door slowly opens, and Draco pokes his head inside, "Good evening. I was just letting you know that I'm back. And I'd like to work on some tests in a few moments, if that's alright."

Clara gets up and walks over, "Yeah, that's fine. I wasn't really doing much, anyways."

She hesitates and asks, "What were you doing all day?"

Draco answers, suddenly, "That's none of your business."

Clara raises both of her hands so they're in front of her, "Alright, alright. I was just wondering."

They both walk downstairs together, and to the back room to test out some more spells.

As time goes by, Draco turns to Clara looking concerned and asks, "Are you alright? You seem out of it."

Oh, nothing, I just broke into your library and found the article on Harry Potter defeating Voldemort during The Battle of Hogwarts that took place years ago. Nothing major at all.

But should I tell Draco? Maybe I shouldn't. He'll probably freak if he found out what I did.

Without hesitation, Clara answers, "I'm fine."

Draco sighs and walks over to a chair and sits down. After about a minute, he says, "When I got home tonight, I could tell something was up with Ninsy. She was acting jumpy."

Clara shifts uncomfortably. Draco continues, "So, I asked her about it, and she told me something very interesting." He turns towards Clara and asks, "Why did you break into my library?"

She stands frozen in place. She doesn't know what to say, or how to answer his question.

"I was hoping you would come clean when I asked what was wrong with you, but nothing came out of your mouth."

Still, nothing.

Draco stands up out of frustration and stands in front of Clara. "Answer me, muggle!"

Clara clenches her teeth together and spits, "My name is Clara."

"Oh, so now you talk? Tell me, why did you break into my library?"

"I was curious."

Draco raises his eyebrows, "Curious? Is that seriously the only reason? Just curious?"

Clara thinks about her next answer before she says it, "I wanted to find out more on Harry Potter."

Draco stares at Clara stunned. He backs away and slowly starts pacing the room. "Why in the world would you want to know more about him? Was what I told you not enough?"

"I... I felt you were keeping something from me. That's all. I wanted to know more. Lately, you've been very short with me and haven't told me all that I want to know. So I took the chance to find out on my own."

He stops pacing and walks up to Clara's face. "You had no right!"

Clara raises her voice, "Maybe not! But at least I was researching Harry Potter instead of you and your family!"

"You can't do that! Everyone knows not to break into a locked room! But I guess you're not like everyone else. You're just a filthy, little muggle."

Clara can't take it anymore. That's the second time today that Draco has called her a muggle. It's like he doesn't even care how she feels when he calls her that! Does he even have a heart?

She lifts her hand and goes to slap his face, but before she hits his face, her hand stops. Clara looks at Draco, stunned.

Draco's holding her wrist in his hand, and not letting go.

Clara stands there, speechless.

Draco and Clara stare at each other, both breathing heavily.

There are a few minutes of silence until Draco finally lets go of her wrist.

I feel bad that I made him this angry. I shouldn't have gone in there without asking him first. He's right; I had no right to do that.

Clara stares up at him in bewilderment. She looks down and apologizes, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have gone in there without asking first. It was wrong of me."

Draco put his hand on her chin and lifts her head so they're looking at each other.

"I'm sorry, too. I shouldn't have freaked out like that. And I'm sorry for calling you a filthy, little muggle."

Draco and Clara both stare at each other and smile, accepting each other's apology.

"Uh," Draco says as he takes his hand off of Clara's chin and backs away from her. She does the same.

Draco puts the books he was using back on the book shelf, and turns toward Clara, "That should be all for tonight. You may go to bed."

Clara answers, "I'll... I'll do that. Goodnight."


She leaves the room and goes straight to her room, and without thinking, goes straight to bed to fall into a deep slumber.

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