Chapter VI

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"Very nice of you to get Ivan Wang's daughter for us," Emil heard a familiar voice sigh in a matter-of-factly tone . Rubbing his head and squinting his eyes, he sat up slowly and stiffly. "Your father would be proud," Matthias hummed. Opening his eyes fully, Emil found himself in a dimly lit room he recognised as being one of the small guest rooms at the back of his house. It was a rather plain and simple room with a bed, a nightstand, dresser and chair. The chair was turned away from Emil, but the messy haired blonde sat facing him, legs spread either side of the chair and leaning over the back of the chair.

"What have you done to her?" Emil growled, balling his fists.

"Oh, are you really that worried about her?" He questioned, a small cocky smile curving the side of his mouth. "She's your enemy, why should you worry?"

"She's not the enemy, Matt. She wants nothing to do with her family," Emil shot back, gripping the side of the bed to control his building anger.

"It doesn't matter. Tino thinks she will make for excellent black mail material," he smirked, folding his arms over his chest. Matthias had always been cocky toward every person he had every met, but at the current time, it was incredibly intimidating and sent chills down Emil's spine.

"They're not going to do anything to her, are they?"

"Not that I know of."

There was a small knock at the door and the two snapped their attention toward it. Matthias stood up and slunk toward the door with a noticeable limp and opening it, revealing Tino, who waved to Emil with a friendly smile.

"Boss wants both of you," he informed them, immediately dropping his friendly façade, replacing it with a deadly serious one. Matthias gave a nod and pulled Emil up roughly by the arm, walking him around to a large room with a high ceiling and a lone chair in the middle. Slouched on the chair was Li, her dark hair a messy mop that hung over her face. She was tied down and her shoulders shook up and down raggedly as she sobbed quietly. Emil launched himself toward her, but was suddenly stopped as Hans wrapped his arms around him and jerked him back.

"Don't even think about it, Emil," a voice warned. Emil turned to see his father standing on the far right next to Berwald who was accompanied by Tino. He heard a click behind him and whipped around to see Matthias locking the door and sliding the key into his back pocket and strutting over to join the others.

"Finally done something useful," Lukas sighed. "But for all of the wrong reasons." He made a disappointing tutting noise before slowly stepping toward Li. There was a dark twinkle in his eye as he placed his hands on Li's shoulders. "Li, your little boyfriend over there was generous enough to bring you straight to us," Lukas whispered to Li intimidatingly.

"Don't touch me," she whined. Lukas sighed and gave her hair a tough yank, snapping her head to the other side.

"Father, don't do this," Emil begged, struggling against Hans' grip.

"I trusted you Emil," Li sobbed uncontrollably. "I trusted you." Emil felt a pang in his chest, he never meant for this to happen, he didn't know that this would happen. He hadn't purposely done this and he hadn't been able to explain to Li that he wasn't using her to destroy the Wang family mafia.

"Somehow, I knew that you wouldn't go and do something like this for us. You're far too selfish for that," Lukas attempted to explain in a terrifyingly soothing tone. Each word seemed to cascade smoothly, yet threateningly from his mouth and glide into Emil's ears. "After you came back from the party, Kjetil came to me saying that he had spotted you messing around with Ivan Wang's eldest daughter. You went out today, very unexpectedly, so I sent Matthias and Hans to follow. And look who they came back with," he sneered, grabbing at Li's chin.

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