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Some people have likened me to a Cyberman, thoese people being my friends. A person who used to be my best friend told me that I was cold. My ex boyfriend thinks that during our time dating and even now I didn't show emotion or feelings when we were together. My mum has joked that when I go to Uni I'll be the one never leaving her room to go out with friends.

And I'm fine with that. I'm fine with that. I'm fine with people thinking that I'm a cold, emotionless person, because that's who I am. A friend of mine was hit my a car as the start of this year, I didn't feel anything. The main thing that scared me was how my boyfriend was reacting. He prided himself on being emotionless and yet there he was, freaking out when I felt calm. He told me it was probably shock. When my ex broke up with me I didn't cry, I did afterwards but only breifly and now I find it hard to even start crying.

Some of the draw backs of this is that I can't write well, dispite what you might think, my characters are like me; they don't really have a personality. Which is why people like them, they can easily make themselves the main character and fill in the emotional gaps with how they would feel. I'm not a good writer.

I'm not even a good drawer. I'm a cold, emotionless person. And I always will be

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