I'd say it's been fun ...

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So you're leaving huh?
I'm a fake friend huh?
I'll remember that when I think of all the things I've done for you; the hundred pulse dollars I lent you, the times I was your shoulder to cry on when I needed one myself, the times you've acted distant or let people laugh at my tritch because they were the cool kids you wanted to fit in with.
I'm sorry I didn't reply to your picture but between having a friend over for the past week meaning I haven't spoken to anyone, enrolling in Uni, being so tired I can barely think properly, as well as other stuff on my mind that I'd rather not talk about I didn't even think to reply. I was going to reply today though - send you a link to a song that I thought suited you and ask how you'd been. But you sent me a message making it clear what you thought, so why should I bother?
The last time we spoke you told me that the reason you didn't reply for weeks on end was because you didn't feel like talking to people, that you wanted to be by yourself, I understood - it's fine everyone is like that every now and then. I thought you'd understand when I don't reply for a few days, that I'm busy or just don't feel like talking to anyone. apparently not.
Well go if you want. I won't stop you, but just know that I was never ignoring you and never make the error of thinking that you've been the only one putting anything into our friendship.

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