Ten Seconds to Make Me Smile.

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Mitch and I kept a full on conversation going about our lives and how we ended up in LA. We had all the same teachers at school. We never saw each other though because Mitch was in the grade below me.

"So what was your favourite lesson in school?" I asked him.

"Hmm, probably math or choir. Math I found quite easy, however music is my life and choir was such fun."

This dude is so like me... Apart from the gay part.

"I know right? I hated History though, was my worst subject."

"No way! Same here!"

Mitch and I kept up this conversation. We talked for what seems like forever and yet he still hasn't managed to crack a smile out of me.

"Why you so grumpy?" He asked with an adorable pout.

"I dunno, you just... Haven't made me smile yet for some reason."

"$10 says I can make you smile in ten seconds." He smirked.

"Deal." I replied with the most blank expression on my face.

He gave me an innocent smile and rubbed his hand up and down my arm. He then slowly slid his arm down to my hand and gave it a squeeze.

I didn't even realize the grin that was threatening to appear on my face.

It was too late though. I was smiling a full on grin that reached both my ears.

The last time I smiled like that was when Kirstie chose me over all the other boys. Even then she said that she wanted me with words. Mitch didn't even have to use words. All he did was smile and grab my hand.

It felt like a comfort thing. I felt like I could trust him with anything.

Maybe that's why I smiled. He reminded me of a true friend that would be there for me any time if the day no matter what's going on.

I just barely knew Mitch yet I feel like we've known each other for years. I feel like he's one of my brothers. Someone I can joke around with and no matter what we do we can take it as a joke.

We had pretty much spent the whole day in Starbucks.

Kirstie and I didn't really talk that much. It was mainly her and Todrick and Mitch and I who had conversations.

I over heard Todrick mention something about a boyfriend of his. That's why I didn't get too paranoid of him hitting on Kirstie. He wouldn't hit on Kirstie. He's gay.

Mitch and I had such fun talking to each other. We smiled, talked, drank coffee and now we were trying to calm down from laughter.

Mitch reached for a napkin.

"I need to dab my wetties!"

That just made me crack up even more.

I was bent over in my chair with my head on the table as I clenched my stomach.

This man was too much.

It wasn't even 5 hours ago he had just managed to make me smile. Now here I was in hysterics.

Suddenly, his phone went off.

"Hello?... Okay... Yeah sure, I'll be right there... Okay... Love you too... Bye!"

"Who was that?"

"My mom. She's coming to LA to visit from Texas."

"How come you didn't sound so excited?"

"She visits every summer. Plus, we never do anything special and we can't talk about things at home because my dad... Well... Doesn't like my decisions..."

"What do you m-"

And with that, he grabbed Todrick's hand and set off after saying goodbye to both Kirstie and I.

As he walked out of the door, I stared at him...

This staring shiz has got to stop!

Stare. (Scömìche) | *BOOK 1* | First Book in the 'Stare' Series | *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now