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Chapter 22

"What the fuck do you mean "yeah"?" Iman says.

"It's going to be suspicious if we all go to pick them up right now" Theo says.

"So you're just going to leave them to sleep in that filthy jail?" I ask

"It's the only thing we can do without getting caught" Sam says.

"Fine, then I'm going" I say while stepping out of the car and walking away.

I keep walking and turn on the GPS on my phone. I walk to the police station and start talking to the sheriff.

"I'm so sorry my friends were just being stupid, we came to Hawaii to have fun and have an adventure, not to break the law." I say.

"So you are saying it was only these two" The sheriff says.

"Those two love birds yup, I guess they wanted time for themselves" I say.

"I'm allowing bail but talk to them about what they have done" she says understandingly.

"Thank you so much" I say with my hand over my heart.

I wait outside for them and it reminded me that we are leaving today, Sunday. I wonder how it will be when I go back home. Will it be the same old same old? I'm going to be honest I really miss my family, and my friends like Amna. Also there are Sr.Razans children, Rana and Rosa. The one I hang with is 13, she is kind of annoying, when Amna doesn't want to come out which is like every day I just chill with Rosa, Rana is friends with Maryum. Hafsa says they are really racist, but I'm just going to wait for them to do something so I can punch them. They have 2 older sisters and they hate me. I don't know why but I don't care.

"Oh my god!" Agnes says while giving me a hug.

"Are you guys okay?" I ask while Adam gives me a hug.

"We're fine, thanks for getting us out" He says

"No problem"

We walk to the hotel; we get there at 5 am. I didn't tell them that Sam and Theo were going to leave them; it would probably start a fight. We walk Agnes to her room and me and Adam walk back to our room and grab our bags and load the car. We go for breakfast at a fancy restaurant. I think this trip went great I mean we almost got arrested, not that it's a good thing, but it was an adventure, exactly what we wanted. Theo says goodbye to his very comfortable bed and Silver grabs as many towels as she can. Iman is looking for more hotel chocolate and Jana is waiting for them with me. Adam and Sam are loading the car with our shit. They finally leave the hotel room and when we walk into the lobby, the hot hotel guy came to us and said goodbye.

"See you guys, I hope you all had a great time" he says.

"We did byeee" we all say to him.

I am sitting in the jet at 9 am looking out the window. Everyone is resting but I can't go to sleep. I get my phone and check my notifications.

"Message from Amna Okeb"

So I open it.

Amna: hey, can you come over my place at 3 my cousins want to meet you.

Me: coolio, I'll try. Peace.

Why do her cousins want to meet me? She probably talked about me being her friend in the neighborhood. I don't really want to go. I mean I don't only have to meet her cousins I have to meet their parents and I have to say salaam to Sr.Amira, Ibrahim, Hasan and whoever else is there. And trust me, Muslims greetings take forever. And I'm going to have to speak Arabic in front of her mom. She is probably going to correct me if I accidentally say an Ethiopian word in the middle of an Arabic sentence.

The plane finally landed. I am so excited to see the Family. And a little piece of me can't wait to see the neighbors. And my room, god that place is heaven, I have my snacks and my laptop and the window which is right next to my bed. I cannot wait to stay up and watch The Walking Dead and Supernatural. You could say I'm a little home sick.

"Home sweet home" Silver says.

"Maryland" I say.

"You know some people don't even know this state exists" Adam says.

"I know I didn't until we moved here" Theo says.

"Dumbass mothafucker" Jana says.

We all start laughing as Sam starts the car and starts driving.

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