Chapter 11: Abort Mission

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A/N So for this chapter lets just pretend that Charlie has not been introduced yet. Cause I kinda like the ways I introduced her here and I'm too lazy to go change it so yeah. Thankx. 

Cas' POV:

After Dean left I didn't really have the energy to do anything. I just walked around the house aimlessly for awhile before I got hungry and decide to make food.  I walked into the kitchen where Gabriel was devouring a chicken wrap.

"So, how's Dean." He asked putting emphasis on the word Dean. "Fine. Why?" I reply and he shrugs, "no reason." Silence then fell upon us until I sat down in front of him and he said something that made me choke on my cheese sandwich.

"So have you two declared your love for each other yet?" It took me awhile to finally start breathing regularly again; I looked up at him and he had this innocent smirk on his face. "Dean and I do not love each other." I inform him trying to avoid making eye contact. "Oh please. You two couldn't be more obvious if you tried." I looked back up at him with my best 'I don't know what your talking about' look.

"First he invites you and three of your brothers to stay at his house one day after you met where you slept on his bed, beside him, and then yesterday he turns up at our house white with worry because you didn't turn up for school and then today he skips school again because you're still. And all this has happened in the 10 days that you two have know each other. So yeah, trust me he loves you, and you, well you're just an open book."

I had never really thought about it like that. Dean has done a lot to show his feelings towards me, and we've only known each other just over a week. But if he really did like me then why would he say he didn't? Maybe he was thinking the way I was. Maybe he was just scared. Maybe he does like me but he didn't know if I felt the same so he thought it was safer to say nothing, just like me. But that a lot of maybes. And maybes aren't certain, so I will just continue ignoring my feelings for him, because if I ignored them enough they'll go away right?


Dean's POV:

It was now Friday and the day was going by agonisingly slow. I had English first followed by history and I was now in my second period of science. Sometime through the first period Mrs. What's her face started droning on about speed and some sort for formulas so I decided to just block her out and opted for scribbling down on my notebook instead. The relief I felt when the bell finally rang was so unbelievable that I basically sprinted out the door ignoring all the questioning looks I was receiving.

Since it was lunch I went straight to he cafeteria, knowing that if I waited too long that the only thing left would be the traditional lumpy soup and something that they say is meat but everyone know that if u even smell it you'll be sick for a week and if you dare to eat it, well, then you might as well say goodbye to the next three months of you life.

Once I got there the only thing that looked edible was the sandwiches so I just got a ham and cheese one and a bun before paying for my food and heading outside to eat it, since it was such a nice day out.

Once I got outside I spotted Cas sitting at a table in the far end of the yard, eating his lunch and talking to someone. Since I preferred to not sit alone I decided to make my way over to him. "Hey Cas." I say before planting myself down on the seat next to him.

"Hey. Ugh...Dean this is Charlie, shes in like half my classes. Charlie this Dean, he's also in like half my classes." He introduces us and we exchange 'hello's'. For the next while we just talked about random stuff while enjoying out food before Charlie left saying that she had to go to some lunch time classes because her teacher was "too stupid to finish the course in time."

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