Chapter 4

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Sunday came and went and now it was Monday.

My alarm buzzed annoyingly and I reached a hand out and smashed the button, shutting it off. I sat up in bed and rubbed my eyes.

Only one week left and I was officially another adult in the world.

Getting out of bed I clumsily threw on a lime green t-shirt and some jean shorts. I went into the bathroom, brushed my hair, then put it up in a braid that went over one shoulder. After putting my makeup on I brushed my teeth then headed downstairs. As I was making toast I heard a faint ringing from the living room. I walked to the couch and searched for my phone in my bag I had left on the couch the whole weekend. Turning it on I saw I had only 30%. I pushed the answer button and held it up to my ear.


"Morning Iris!"

I winced from the sudden loudness and held the phone away from my ear.

Putting it back I mumbled, "Morning Sam."

"Oh don't be a grump, hurry up and eat your toast!"

Wait, how'd she...?

"I'm looking through your window silly!"

I leaned back into the kitchen and sure enough there was Sam waving like a complete maniac in the huge window. I hung up and grabbed my toast just as it popped up. Opening the door, Sam was there smiling still.

"You scare me."

"I know, that's what friends are for right?"

She stepped in and walked into the kitchen. I followed and sat at the counter.

"Why are you here?"

"I'm bringing you to school today."

"Why?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Because that cute boy I told you about is starting today."

"I still don't get why he's starting here on the last week of school."

"Just like your mystery boy started last week."


I finished my toast and stood up.

"Alright let's go," I said as I grabbed my bag.

"Wait, have to grab something from the truck," I said.

Luckily, Sam remembered my truck was still at the frozen yogurt shop Saturday or my wallet would've been left behind. After grabbing it I got into her car and we drove off to school. The parking lot wasn't as full because lots of student were probably sleeping in, I mean it was the last week of school ever, unless you're planning on going to college. Sam parked close to the school and we got out. Sam was about to burst from excitement. I quietly followed her into the school, other kids gave me their normal everyday what the hell faces as I walked by them.

"There he is!" Sam shrieked in my ear.

Wincing, I let her grab my arm and pull me to the cafeteria doors where a young blonde-haired man was standing. Rubbing my arm where Sam squeezed the crap out of me, I muttered under my breath about how she was so going to get it after this.

"You came!" Sam cried as she flung herself at the man.

"Well, yeah," he replied, hugging her back.

I awkwardly stood there fiddling with my fingers.

"This must be Iris."

I looked up and saw he was holding his hand out to me. I casually took it and we shook hands.

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