Happy Birthday, John Lennon

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Um.. okay, I'll give it a shot

I'll write a poem for you, John.

It won't be that good, trust me on this

But, I guess, I'm trying my best

You came to the world among the bombs

To grow up in the rubble of the war.

A calamity of things, but not one person's fault,

A planned mess, but one that we learned from.

But you rose from this rubble,

Pulled yourself out

No, you weren't without your scars,

But you were a survivor, I'll give you that.

You used your music as an escape,

As well as drawing, writing and just being creative

There you poured in your soul, releasing it

So you felt a bit better, away from it all.

Then you burst upon the world,

Like a gigantic firework,

Along with the rest of the display

You were adored by millions.

But then, one night, in cold December,

Came a cold guy with a cold purpose,

He killed the man who asked for peace,

And forced him to leave, there on the streets.

So on days like today, when you came along,

We celebrate what you did in the world

Because we love you, John,

And always will.

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