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(little reference to another story I wrote. This is also like a little background to the character, kinda like a plot twist to the story. I refer this as a short, one page prequel)

(Ravens P.O.V)

"Too far! Save it for the bedroom! Too far! Save it for the bedroom!" My alarm sung out. Why did I set it to go off this early anyway? Josh, let me sleep for the love of Thor! I groaned as I dismissed Save It For The Bedroom by You Me At Six to sing another morning and rolled out of the comforting heaven normal people call a bed. I checked the time on my phone just to make sure that it didn't wake me up late. But in fact, it was right on time. At that exact moment my mind decided to go blank. Why was I up so early? I crawled back under the covers, only for my door to swing open and Vanessa, the one who looks after us, to start yelling at me to wake up and to get ready.

I held a confused stare but she left before she saw my masterpiece. I shrugged and shut the door only for I Write Sins, Not Tragedies to get stuck in my head. "I chimed in with the haven't you people ever heard of, closing the goddamn door no?" I hummed to myself as I pulled my pyjamas off and replaced them with black, ripped jeans cut by yours truly and a Pierce The Veil top. I looked at my mirror and applied eyeliner being ever so cautious not to stab myself in the eye...again. To my luck I didn't and had it spot on for once. My hair looked like a complete and utter mess but I fixed that with a beanie. Shoes came last on the deed of dressing up nice. A pair of red and black converse never hurt anyone did they?

Once I had finished my job, I walked down the stairs that seemed to want to personally kill me all the time but only succeeded in a string of profanities and numerous hits to the head from the five year old, Amelia, for using a 'swear'. I skipped the last three steps and stood there for a second realising why today was important. "Oh! It's the day when parents look for adoption!" I said out loud, amusing myself with my tendency to forget important things. A blush crept upon my cheeks as I realised people could actually hear me. I walked over to the sofa and rested my rear end on the comfortable cushioning.

I didn't get to sit for long as Vanessa had began to pull me to a different room. I was confused, again, before I realised I may be adopted. I hoped so. None of the kids here liked me, not even Amelia. It was like hell here since my friend, Ash, was adopted two years ago. As I was lead into the room I was greeted by two familiar faces. I smiled at them. Gerard and Lyn - Z Way sat in front of me. "this is Raven. She's a lovely girl with a music taste you'd like.." Vanessa started but I zoned out. But as I was trapped in my thoughts of how cool it would be if I were a llama, she had finished what she was saying. I looked up at her as she spoke once more. "so? Are you sure you wouldn't want any of the other girls?"

"No we want her." Gerard stated quickly. Vanessa nodded and gave him forms with instructions on what to do with them, where to sign blah blah blah. Soon enough I was sent up to pack my stuff which I did with excitement meaning I packed in five minutes tops. I slung my guitar and violin case over my shoulder, grabbed my bags and made my way down the stairs. Lyn - Z took my bags and I followed her to the car. I sat in the back seat where a booster chair sat beside me in the middle. She turned to face me with a smile and a look that told me she was reminiscing a memory which seemed recent.

"y'know, we really thought we'd be adopting another six year old. But when we were told about a 13 year old who'd been here for about six years, our plan changed" she started. "we read a bit about you and when we found out you didn't like tea or coffee, we figured we might not get along on the subject of drinks. But we realised you were exactly who we were looking for." I smiled. "well thanks for getting me out of that hell hole." I spoke. She frowned " hell hole?" And she then remembered what Vanessa had said about the other kids. She smiled and nodded, facing the front window simultaneously.

We waited a couple more minutes in a comfortable silence before Gerard appeared with a couple of papers. He climbed into the drivers seat after pulling the door open. The papers with an unknown purpose were handed to Lyn - Z before the car was started and we were on the road home. Once the car was parked in front of a lovely looking house, we got out and speed walked to the door, desperate to get in as the skies had begun to cry and were venting those tears onto us. The three of us stood in the hallway dripping with rain which had very quickly drenched us and my bags and probably the items inside as well as the bags were not water proof.

I carefully rested my guitar and violin case against a sturdy looking cabinet. They stood there with grace. Within a couple seconds, I was whisked up a flight of stairs by Gerard with bags in arms. I was briskly led to a spare room at the end of the hall with an auburn door and black, painted swirls on the front. I smiled as I opened the door, greeted by a welcoming shade of teal which was more on the green side and black flowers. The bed had white and grey sheets and a cute bunny teddy underneath the quilt. And the wall opposite had a TV fixated to the wall with a stack of CDs and movies on either side. The curtains hugged the sides of the windows wanting to be as close as possible but still bordering the view of a fairly large garden with purple and blue flowers waving to me in the wind.

I turned to face Gerard who was in the process of hanging the last of my clothes. He had already put all my other belongings away or on view for me. Once his deed was sorted, I wrapped my arms around him while unintentionally making him jump. After recovering, he hugged me back chuckling. "thank you" I whispered. "you're welcome" he responded as he kissed the top of my head.

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