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(Your P.O.V)

"sometimes you gotta bleed to know! That your alive and have a soul!" Tyler Joseph sung from my phone speaker in an attempt to wake me up. I groaned as I pressed dismiss. What Tyler didn't know already was I have been awake for hours already. Thinking about how I'm going to tell Gerard, my boyfriend, that he had to have four injections today for a new deadly sickness that had been going around recently. I had mine done already but I didn't know how Gerard was going to handle it with his fear of needles. I sighed and sat up but I was instantly, and I was unwarned, pulled back down by a strong and warm pair of arms that belonged to a very handsome and caring man. Also a very tired man. "noooo (Y/N) stay a bit longer" he murmured, holding me down.

"no I cant. We're going out today!" I said, a fearful tone added. He made a sound that told me to go on. I sighed "well...there's this really deadly sickness going around right now and-"

"no baby I'm not going" he stated quickly, pushing his face deeper into the back of my neck. I sighed once more knowing he'd refuse. "babe you have to. It's vital..

"I don't care. I don't like needles darling, you know that"

"I know you don't. I know I'm not supposed to but....I'll go in with you." I knew there's no chance that I'd be allowed but if it made it feel better in the short term then I would say I will. He sighed "I'll do it. For you..." I smiled. "thank you Gerard"

"on one condition." Of course there's a catch. He leaned in to my ear and whispered: "if we can go to Starbucks and then come home and have...you know what then yes." I thought about it. "okay." I said in defeat, knowing I'd never win anyway. I felt him smile as he kissed the back of my neck.

-------TIME SKIP CAUSE I AM LAZY---------

"what do you mean she can't come in with me?!" Gerard almost shouted. He wasn't angry, he just needed a hand to hold while they injected him. "I'm sorry sir, only the person being injected is allowed in" the nurse explained. I read her name tag and it read Sam. "Sam is it okay if I just say something?" I asked to which she nodded. "I'm afraid Gerard has a very awful fear of needles. He told me that if he went through with the injections, he wants me there. He always needs a hand to hold and he always wants my hand." She nodded.

"m'am, I appreciate your concern for your boyfriend but you will only act as a distraction and he wont get it done if you're there with him" I sighed and nodded. She smiled "if it were allowed, you'd be in there without question. Right Mr. way, let's get these injections over and done with" she held out her hand for him to take. He shook his head rapidly, clinging onto my arm "I don't want to."

"I know you don't want to but you have to I'm afraid. Come on, it'll be over within a minute if you come with me." He looked the floor "you can hold my hand. Squeeze my hand as hard as you want to" she spoke softly to calm him. "go on Gee. Be brave. Do it for me and Mikey" I gently nudged him, encouraging him. I saw his lip tremble a little. The nurse walked over and I was grateful it was only us three there by the door. "aww Mr. Way, it's okay. I promise it'll be very quick. But the longer we're not in there, the longer it'll take. The doctor is nice, she's very nice. I promise." She spoke her hand rubbing his shoulder. "when she does it, think of your lovely girlfriend here. She wants you to do this. And I bet she's promised you something if you do this" he calmed down slightly, even though there were a few tears that fell. I knew I would probably act the same if it were me right now.

Sam held her hand out, encouraging him. He breathed out giving me a final hug and lingering kiss on the cheek as he hesitantly let go of my hand and took her gloved one. Sam and I smiled "don't worry, it'll be quick Mr. Way. Just think of your amazing girlfriend." He nodded and kissed my lips one final time before being led into the room. "I love you (Y/N)" he called before they shut the door. I smiled and pulled my phone out, texting Mikey that I managed to get him to have the injections.

About ten minutes later, the door opened and Gerard was led out. He had tear marks down his face. I smiled sympathetically knowing I cried when I had mine down. They really hurt but I had been told beforehand that the ones the men got hurt alot more and because they were more prone to get it than women, they had more to be injected. I stood shoving my phone in my pocket. He walked over to my now open arms and threw himself into them. I smiled, stroking his hair. Sam appeared beside him with a smile. "how'd he do?" I asked, curious. She chuckled. "he was real hesitant. He kept wanting to just run out back to you. At one point he almost did but I held him down. I gave him a hug to calm him though. It might've helped." I nodded. "he really hated it though. My hand still aches from him squeezing it so much but it helped and he done it is all that matters. It really hurt didn't it?" She asked him. He nodded, squeezing me harder refusing to let me go.

"right so the side effects of the injections are his arms will ache quite alot, headaches and nausea are two and he will soon get really tired. It happens though, nothing bad. It's meant to do that" she explained and I nodded. "so that's it! You are free to go" she laughed with a smile, proud of his bravery. We both shook her hand and with a few goodbyes, we left.

"I wish you were in there when I had it done. They said I took it better than most men" he told me once we were in the car. I smiled "oh yeah?"

"yep. They ended up pointing out I had a boner. I was thinking about later on" he smirked. I blushed to which he just laughed at and kissed my cheek. "I'm serious! I had to explain why I had one and it was the most awkward moment in my life! You and your sexy face!" He chuckled, blushing madly. I giggled "cant help it. I was born this way babe" I smiled as I parked outside Starbucks. "if you wanna get it, bring it to the car and we can go home" I told him and he nodded, leaving to get our drinks.

------ANOTHER TIME SKIP--------

We got back and threw our already empty cups into the bin. He yawned "tired?" I asked. "yeah. But I bet you can fix it" he smirked again, stepping forwards towards me. I giggled, blushing a dark shade of red as he kept slowly taking a step forward. "shut your eyes baby" he whispered. My view of him was interrupted by darkness. For some reason I felt vulnerable with my eyes shut. "I can't believe it's been an actual year" his voice got closer but then further away. "since we last" it got a little closer but on the word 'last' it got further. "had sex" he whispered now in my ear from behind me with his arms around my waist, startling me. I didn't mind though. I heard him chuckle and felt him lead me to the bedroom. And then I realised that the night would be way more bumpy than what Tyler Joseph sung about in Tear In My Heart.

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