November 15th, 2014

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Dear Nobody,

I can hear my brother downstairs making a drug deal. I don't think that he knows that I'm home because I came in pretty late last night and he was asleep, so he probably thinks that I just didn't come home at all last night. He doesn't like to do his drug business when I'm at home, I've noticed. I don't know if it's because there is a slight part of Nathan that cares about me or if he doesn't want me to know too much because he thinks that I'll nark on him or try to steal his business or something. Caring brother or paranoid business man? I say both. Either way, I don't want him to get mad at me so I'll have to stay in bed until that other guy leaves. It might take a while but I'll keep you updated.

Meanwhile, let me tell you about the night that I had last night. It wasn't anything special, but I went over to the Ronlux building and got drunk off of our asses and broke stuff. A typical Friday night for us so like I said, nothing special. I have five close friends that I kind of do everything with and I know that I've talked about them before, but let me explain them to you in depth while I wait for my brother's drug deal to finish downstairs.

Cece. The artist. She always has her sketch book with her, scribbling down new sketches with her pencil with the chewed ends because when she gets frustrated, she'll chew on the eraser part of the pencil. She carries an extra eraser around in her pocket so that she doesn't have to use the saliva ridden pink one that's stuck to the end of her drawing pencil. She's one of the more quiet people in our group because she's always focused on her drawings. Her favorite time to draw is when she's tripping on acid, because then it looks like the drawing is literally coming to life and the lines have a life of their own. That's what she says anyway. I think that she just likes acid.

Tasha. The good kid. She has a really long backstory that really helps explain her but I'll spare you the details. Basically, her mother was in a really abusive relationship and out of this relationship popped out Tasha and her little brother, but when Tasha was five and her brother was just born, Tasha's mother got out of the relationship but she had no money because she had no job so they ended up here. Ever since, her mom has been trying her best to get them out of this place but it's so far been unsuccessful. So Tasha is a really good kid (as far as good kids go around here, which isn't saying much), she gets good grades, and she creates her own clothes out of the ratty old crap that she can afford with the minimum wage she makes bagging groceries at the Walmart down the street. She paints her nails, whines when she scuffs her shoes, but she's still great. She's very caring about all of us, kind of like the nurturer in the group.

Faith. The thief. She doesn't steal from us, but she does steal from just about everybody else. Stores, people on the street, people at our school, teachers, just anybody that she can screw over. She's scary good at pick pocketing, which is her second specialty right behind shoplifting. She's scary manipulative too, but I know the real her, we all know the real her. Most people at school have caught on to what she does when she gets too close, and so most of the school really doesn't like her. People actually ask me why I'm friends with her, and it's because I know that she isn't like that when nobody's around. She's really funny and strong and although very crass (although aren't we all?), she's very compassionate too.

And then the guys.

Jules. The bodyguard. He's impressively strong and he has a tendency to take care of us. Not only by protecting us against getting mugged on the streets, but he also brings us all the drugs that we could ever need in our lifetime. Alcohol, weed, and the other really terrible drugs that we shouldn't be trying at all but don't really give a shit about. I don't know how he gets all of the stuff that he gets, but he never asks for money for it, he just bring it to the Ronlux building and we all lose our shit together. Jules, I think, is the only way that any of us girls maintain any sense of safety in this fucked up city. I mean, I can hold my own when it comes to girls but if I'm at a party and a guy is trying to force himself on me but I've already had too much to drink, I'd be absolutely doomed without Jules there. He's like the overprotective brother that I never had.

Sincerely Luna RoseWhere stories live. Discover now