Chapter 8

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After we helped more people cleanup their homes we went back to my house and ate supper.

*Jake's Phone Rang*

"Hello" Jake said answering the phone

"Hi, is this Jake Jones?" The voice on the other line asked.

"Um.. Yes it is. Who is this?" He asked

"This is nurse.." Jake interrupted her before she could get out her name

"W-What Nurse?" He asked nervously

"Yes. My name is Alex and I need you to come down to the hospital." She told him

"Okay." He said rubbing the top of his mouth.

*He hung up the phone.*

"What happened Jake?" My mom asked.

"Someone I know is in the hospital." He said rubbing his forehead.

"I'll come with you." I say

"No you stay here." He said in a shaky voice. He walked out if the house as I chased after him.

"Jake!" I ran to get in front of him so he can't get in his car.

"Shelby. Move." He was starting to cry. Aw.. My muscular man is crying? Why was he crying? This is why I'm here to keep him company. We are not dating yet but, for some reason.. I feel like I should be with him.

"Jake. No." I say back to him. I grab the doorknob so he couldn't move me.

"Shelby. I have to go."

"Jake I understand that but, why are you crying?" I ask.

"I'm not crying." He said whipping his face off.

I get off his truck and stand in front of him. "You are crying. Jake, you can tell me anything." I look up at him.

"I know I can. I'm scared to though." He says looking away

"Jake don't be scared. I am here for you I promise. What happened?"

"Can you ride to the hospital with me?" I nodded my head and got in.

*The ride to the Hospital*

"I don't know where to begin.." He said gripping the steering wheel.

"Just start, start where it hurts you the most" I say grabbing his hand that was free.

"I was 12 years old, my dad had just got back from Orlando Florida and came to my last Baseball game of the season. After the game was over we went back to the house. I asked him if he would play with me outside and he did.. We started playing a little game of football and I kicked it up, it flew out into the woods...I waited for a few minutes and when he didn't come back I started to get scared so I ran out into the woods to look for him.." He stopped for a few minutes and relaxed.

"I went and got my mom after I looked around and called his name a few times. We ran out there and looked for what seemed like hours and never found a trace of him. I don't know what happened to him. He just... disappeared!! It was my fault! I made him go get the ball when I could have just left it there. He was always the one that cheered for me and waited for me when my games were over that's why I love baseball so much. He showed he loved me, my mom.. She hates me. She says I'm the reason that he was killed. She never speaks to me. She beat me, starved me, everything she could do." He was crying and was griping my hand like it was her head.

"Jake! Stop that's my hand not her head!" I said ripping his hand off my hand.

"I'm sorry.." He said

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