Iridescent (Sad Love Story) [COMPLETED]

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When you were standing in the wake of devastation

When you were waiting on the edge of the unknown

And with the cataclysm raining down

Insides crying, "Save me now!"

You were there, impossibly alone

All I remember is a gunshot, blood, and a scream. It happened that quickly. It happened so quickly I could barely register what was happening before I saw Iris crumbling to the ground, blood dropping around her. I was terrified. Frozen to the spot. What was I supposed to do? Shock took over. One moment we were walking down a sidewalk, and the next she’s on the ground, a bullet hole in the middle of her stomach, screaming out my name.

It shouldn’t have happened. I should have seen them coming. I should have fucking seen them coming! Now because I didn’t, she’s injured. Fucking injured! I bury my face in my hands. This isn’t possible. This isn’t happening! They weren’t supposed to find us!

In Italy, of all fucking places! We were supposed to be on our honeymoon! Not in the local hospital when we’re supposed to be celebrating!

Iris can never catch a break. First, it was her abusive parents. Then, a crazy psycho ex-boyfriend. Now, getting shot by someone who’s after me.

The last one is my fault. Majorly.

I sneeze as the cold starts to set it, and my body begins to tremble. I tap my foot restlessly against the linoleum floor, a mix of water and blood dripping onto the floor, but I can’t seem to care. I glance towards the E.R. and see the light’s still on. How hard is it to get a bullet out of someone’s gut, then stitch it up?!

Maybe if Iris survives this...I can ask her....Such a smart one.....

I see an officer glance towards me and whisper to the nurse. I bet he’s talking about what I told him. Maybe he thinks I need to be sent into a psychiatric ward. Jimmie will probably send me to one if Iris dies. I don’t think I’ll be able to keep it together if she doesn’t pull through.

A bunch of “what ifs” run through my head. What if we hadn’t gone out to the five star restaurant tonight? Would we be back in the hotel room, doing who knows what? Would we still be safe? Or would they find us even then?

All the possibilities run through my head. There’s an unlimited amount of possibilities. It’s hurts my head to think about them. The iridescent lights flicker above us as the storm rages outside. Supposedly, it’s the worst storm that has hit the peninsula of Italy since 2001. Seems fitting, since the storm in my heart that’s taking place hasn’t died down since we got here. And that, was when the storm starts.

Do you feel cold and lost in desperation?

You build up hope, but failure’s all you’ve known

Remember all the sadness and frustration

And let it go. Let it go

I press myself back against the chair, as a nurse comes and offers me something to drink. I shake my head. “Please sir,” she says, her voice heavy with an accent, “You need something to warm you up.” I just send her a weak glare, and she takes the subtle hint and leaves. I pull the blanket tighter around me, and smash my foot down on a bug who thought it was smart to walk by me.

Stupid little pests.

My body trembles, as I think back to the events of tonight....

“That, was delicious! Thank you!” Iris says with a smile as she kisses my cheek. I smile, and grip her hand tightly as we walk out of the restaurant. Now it’s time to head back to the resort and have some fun.

Iridescent (Sad Love Story) [COMPLETED]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant